21. Horace Slughorn

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VICTORIA, HARRY AND PROFESSOR DUMBLEDORE WALKED INSIDE THE DARK AND DESTROYED HOUSE. It was a complete mess. Someone had definitely tried to attack whoever lived here, and succeeded.

Victoria noticed drops of blood on the floor and when she looked up, she saw a hole in the roof with red all over it. A drop of it fell onto Victoria's forehead but Dumbledore wiped it off and licked it before she could even blink. He turned around and pointed his wand at the armchair in the corner. It sprung up and an old man appeared in front of them looking very startled.

"Merlin's beard! No need to disfigure me Albus." the man said.

Victoria and Harry looked at each other and then stared at the man in confusion.

"Well I must say you made a very convincing armchair, Horace." Dumbledore replied.

"It's all in the upholstery. I come by the stuffing naturally. What gave me away?" Horace asked.

"Dragon's blood."

Victoria silently gagged. Dragon's blood was on her face. Granted, it didn't land in her hair which she was glad about.

"Victoria, Harry, I'd like you to meet an old friend and colleague of mine - Horace Slughorn."

The two teenagers waved awkwardly at Slughorn and he nodded.

"Horace, this is Victoria Gibson and well, you know who this is..."

"Harry Potter..." Slughorn said, a hint of excitement in his voice.

"You weren't by any chance, waiting for someone else were you?" Dumbledore asked, referring to all the mess.

"Someone else? I'm sure I don't know what you mean." Slughorn denied but it was obvious he was lying. "Oh alright, the Death Eaters have been trying to recruit me for over a year."

Who is this guy?

"Do you know what that's like? You can only say no to these people so many times. So I never stay anywhere more than a week. The Muggles who own this place are in the Canary Islands." He explained.

"Well, I think we should put it back in order for them, don't you?" Dumbledore asked.


The Professor waved his wand and suddenly all the mess began to move around. Victoria and Harry watched in awe as the living room started to actually look like a living room again.

"That was fun. Do you mind if I use the loo?" Dumbledore asked.

"No, of course not." Slughorn nodded. "Don't think I don't know why you're here, Albus. The answer is still no. Absolutely and unequivocally, no." He said.

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