31. Fire

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"Are you excited to see your friends?" Gracie asked, entering the room.

"Very. It's only been a week but it feels like all summer." Victoria laughed. "I'll miss you though, I'm having loads of fun here."

"I'll miss you too. But I'm not going anywhere so you can come here when school finishes for the year, if you'd like."

"I'd love that, thank you." Victoria replied and Gracie smiled.

"Before you go, I have something for you."

She ran out of the room and returned a few minutes later with a two small gifts in her hands. She handed them to Victoria and grinned. "Open them."

Victoria opened the bigger present first and smiled when she saw the author of the book.

"Was this my dad's?"

Gracie nodded with a small smile. "It was the first set of poems and short stories that he managed to get published. I figured you deserved a copy. He sent about three of them to me." She laughed.

Victoria then ripped the wrapping paper off the smaller gift and opened the box. A beautiful silver bracelet was inside with an engraving on it.

The path to enlightenment is not paved in gold, but often suffering instead.

"What does it mean?" Victoria asked.

"Well, lots of things I suppose. It's how you interpret it which makes a difference. You can look at the quote in a negative way, or you can look at it in a positive way. I think the latter is the better option but I'll let you decide that one for yourself." Gracie explained, smiling halfheartedly.

Victoria pondered for a while as to what it meant and Gracie left her to her thoughts.

The path to enlightenment is not paved in gold, but often suffering instead.

The words replayed in her mind, over and over but she still didn't fully understand it. She placed the bracelet on her wrist and tucked it's box safely in the bag that Hermione gave her last Christmas, along with her father's book.

After Victoria had packed her trunk and was all ready to go, she joined Gracie downstairs for some dinner and then headed off to the Weasley's.


"Victoria! Come in, come in!" Molly Weasley greeted the brunette cheerfully as she arrived at the Burrow.

"Tori!" Ginny squealed and hugged her, almost knocking her over.

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