54. Epilogue; 19 Years Later

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For Victoria Malfoy, she was beyond excited to go to the same school as her brother. Together, the two of them would be able to study magic and learn exciting potions, spells, everything. This was the happiest day of her life.

Until, she became friends with Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived, and her whole world was flipped upside down in ways she did not expect. Her true identity was revealed and found a power that had been inside of her since the day she was born.

At first, it felt like a curse. That she was born with the ability to predict death and also cause it at the same time. But as she grew stronger as a person, so did her ability. She learned to control it and used it as a weapon. She fought along side her friends and defeated their greatest enemy. She had made her parents proud and knew wherever they were at that moment; watching over her and smiling at how much their beautiful Victoria had achieved.

When the Battle of Hogwarts ended, everyone was able to rest easy. They no longer had anything to fear and the Wizarding World changed for the better. Victoria joined Hermione in returning to Hogwarts to finish her seventh year, and began training at the Ministry as an Auror. Just as her mother Lorelei had done. She worked and trained harder than anything she'd ever trained in before and successfully became one three years later.

That same year, Victoria Gibson finally became Victoria Potter.

The year after that, she gave birth to their first child; James Sirius Potter. A few years after that, their second son Albus Benjamin Severus Potter was born and a few years after that, their daughter, Lily Lorelei Potter was born.
The Potter's were one big happy family.

If someone had asked Victoria whether she ever imagined her life turning out the way it did, she would've thought they were bonkers. She never imagined that she would be anything other than that shy, kind, Slytherin girl who befriended Harry Potter because she was afraid of her own family.

She certainly never imagined that she would end up marrying her best friend and having a loving family.

But she wouldn't have changed any of it. She was happy. A happiness that she hadn't felt since the end of the Wizarding War.


Today, the Potter family were on their way to King's Cross Station. The time had come for James to return to Hogwarts and for Albus to start his magical journey at Hogwarts. Victoria was immensely proud of her sons.

James was first, then Harry and Albus walked through the wall between Platform 9 and 10 together, followed by Victoria and Lily. They arrived on Platform 9 and 3/4 and Victoria smiled. Every time she came back here, it was just as magical as the first time she stepped onto the platform in her first year.

Tori spotted Draco Malfoy, with his wife Astoria and son Scorpius, and walked up to them. Draco had reached out to Tori a few years after the Battle of Hogwarts ended and they started their friendship fresh, leaving everything they went through behind. Draco made Victoria godmother to Scorpius and she loved seeing her godson every time.

"Hi Tori." Draco said, hugging her. Tori hugged Astoria and Scorpius, smiling.

"Are you excited to go start your first year?" She asked Scorpius.

He nodded excitedly. "Yep. I'm gonna work really hard and be a great wizard!"

Tori chuckled then turned to Draco. "He's definitely your son." Draco laughed and rolled his eyes playfully.

"I should get back to the others. It was good to see you guys." She said and hugged them all one last time.

Tori wandered back over to where Hermione and Ron were and left Lily with them. She spotted Harry and Albus talking on the ground. She walked up to them and smiled.

"Your mum was in Slytherin and she married me so..." Harry said.

"Only because you begged me too." She smirked and Harry rolled his eyes playfully.

Tori knelt down to the ground and fixed up a bit of Albus's hair. "What's up sweetheart?"

"What if I am put in Slytherin?" He asked.

Tori sighed. "Well, like your father said...I was in Slytherin too. Being in Slytherin doesn't mean you will turn bad. Most Slytherin's are good people."

"But say that I am put in Slytherin..." Her son persisted.

"Albus, you were named after two Headmasters of Hogwarts. One of them was in Slytherin and he was one of the bravest people we ever knew. If you are put in Slytherin, they will have gained a wonderful young wizard." She said.

"If it really means that much to you though," Harry began, "You can choose Gryffindor. The Sorting Hat takes your choice into account." He said.

"Really?" Albus asked.

The two parents nodded. "Really." Albus smiled.

The horn from the Hogwarts Express filled the platform and parents and students began saying their goodbyes.

"Come on, let's go." Victoria grabbed her son's hand and they walked back to Hermione and Ron.

The parents said goodbye to their children and Victoria watched as James and Albus sat with Rose in a compartment and in that moment, the four friends reminisced and their smiles never faltered.

The End.



I'm really glad this is finished! Thanks for all your support on this and I can't wait to do more Harry Potter fics in the future. I'm going to try and write more this year, not too much that I get overwhelmed, but a lot because I have so many other stories I'm working on too (which I can't wait to share!!)

I'll eventually get back to finishing my Cedric fic, I just haven't had motivation for that one but I'll get there dw lmao

I hope you've enjoyed being on this journey with me & even tho I'm sad this book is over, it was so much fun to write and share!

I love u all tysm xx

banshee ➪ harry potter ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now