2. A Bittersweet Goodbye

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AFTER VICTORIA HAD PACKED HER TRUNK and everything she needed, she pulled out a piece of parchment, her quill and some ink and sat at her desk and began to write a letter to Professor Dumbledore. He'd always been a great mentor to the girl and she knew he would be able to help her out in some way. Her owl, Gemini, sat in it's cage hooting quietly, eagerly waiting for Victoria to finish her letter. She bought her owl in her second year and named it 'Gemini' after her star sign.

The brunette thought for a moment as to what to write to Dumbledore and how to explain what happened. She didn't want to make a long letter but she wanted him to know in case he could offer help, which she knew he could.

Dear Professor Dumbledore,

I'm sorry to bother you like this, I'm sure you're busy enjoying your holidays and whatnot but I wouldn't be writing to you if it wasn't important.

I've just found out a few things from my...parents, and I'm not sure what to do anymore. It's a bit hard to explain in a letter but I would really like it if you could help me. I'm leaving my home and will be staying at the Hogs Head Inn for the night so please send your reply there if you get a chance. Hopefully Gemini won't get lost, she's a pretty switched on bird.

Victoria Malfoy.

She placed her letter in an envelope and gave it to Gemini. The bird flew out the window and off into the afternoon sky. All she could do now was hope that Dumbledore would reply.

Victoria put her quill and ink back in her trunk and pulled it down the steps and into the living room. There was only one legal way the brunette was allowed to get out of here, seeing as she didn't have a broom and hadn't taken the test to be able to Apparate yet; she'd have to use the Floo network to get to the Hogs Head.

Narcissa Malfoy entered the room before she could go anywhere and Victoria stared her. Her eyes were puffy and she had obviously been crying more than Victoria had. The brunette had always admired Narcissa for being such a strong and brave woman. She married a Death Eater and her family comes from a long line of pure bloods. Yet, all through that she was always there for Victoria. It's more than she could say for Lucius, and now she understood why he was never 'Father of the Year'. It pained Victoria to see her mother figure like this and she couldn't bring herself to say anything. She wasn't angry anymore, just hurt.

Finally, Narcissa spoke. "Before you go, there is something I should've given you a long time ago. Your mother left it with you when I took you and she told me to give it to you when you were ready."

The woman handed over an envelope and a locket. Victoria took it and saw the envelope was addressed to her.

"What was her name?" The brunette asked.

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