19. A New Discovery

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THE SUMMER AFTER HER FIFTH YEAR AT HOGWARTS; VICTORIA GIBSON CHANGED. Ever since she discovered that she really was a Banshee and suffered the loss of her uncle Sirius Black, the brunette wasn't quite the same anymore. She was no longer the same happy, wholesome teenager she used to be.

Instead, she was much stronger, much more determined and much more ready for the war that had finally arrived. She was ready to use the power she was born with to fight against Lord Voldemort and if it came down to it, she was ready to die so that Harry Potter and the rest of her friends could live.

The Wizarding World wasn't the same now that the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge had witnessed first hand Lord Voldemort's return on the night of the Battle in the Department of Mysteries. He was replaced as Minister by Rufus Scrimgeour who Victoria thought was just as big a tosspot as Fudge was. Lucius Malfoy, along with countless other Death Eaters, had been sent to Azkaban for conspiring with You-Know-Who and although Victoria felt bad for Narcissa and Draco, she hadn't felt bad for Lucius. But she didn't reach out, for she'd completely lost touch with that family.

Victoria hadn't spoken to Ron, Hermione, or Neville at all this summer. She hadn't even seen or spoken to Harry since their moment outside Dumbledore's office. She was still grieving over Sirius and was focusing on other things. Her powers had been growing stronger. It was like a thousand volts of electricity that pulsated through her blood, like lightning waiting to explode.

She hadn't had a premonition or as many nightmares since Sirius's death but every time she closed her eyes, the night at the Department of Mysteries replayed in her mind. The loud voices, the pain in her head, the screaming, the two words that ended a life...

Every time she wanted to scream, but all she felt was numb.

Over the course of the summer, Victoria made it her mission to track down her Muggle family and learn more about her father's side. She wanted to know how she was born with her ability and figured that if nobody from her mother's side had it - then maybe just maybe, someone from her father's side did and never told anyone about it. After a month of researching, she finally found the only living relative from her father's side; Gracie Gibson, her Muggle Aunt who lived in a small village called Winddale.

Still unable to Apparate, Victoria found herself using Muggle transport more often than not this summer. She was using trains, buses and walking basically everywhere. Victoria found it astonishing that Muggles used these everyday.

The bag Hermione had given Victoria at Christmas came in very helpful on her long journey's. She was able to carry almost everything with her, and there was no extra weight. All her school books, her journal, quills, ink...and clothes, everything. Of course, she still had to lug around her trunk and owl cage wherever she went. Most people stared when she arrived at the different Muggle areas, confused why a teenage girl was carrying an owl and large trunk with her. She always ignored them though and went on with her journey. She couldn't afford to acknowledge the Muggles around her.

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