20. Budleigh Babberton

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"YOU'RE A BANSHEE?!" Victoria exclaimed.

Gracie chuckled. "I am. I never told anyone though, well except you I guess."

"This is awesome." the brunette grinned. "Wait, why did you never tell anyone?"

"Because, I was afraid people would think I was a freak. It was a scary ability that I had no control over and I became a danger to myself. It wasn't all bad, once I figured out how to control my power and I learnt to deal with the nightmares."

Victoria frowned at this. "The nightmare's are the worst part."

"I used to think that too. But then once the throbbing pain in your head starts, and the scream comes out...that is the worst part. Because when that happens, someone is going to die..."

"I was out for three days after the last one I had." Victoria said.

Gracie's eyes widened. "Three days?!"

Victoria nodded. "My friends told me that after it happened, I went unconscious and blood was dripping from my nose and my ears. I woke up three days later in the hospital wing at my school."

"What happened that caused this?"

"My uncle Sirius...was killed. We were at this place called the Department of Mysteries and there was this big battle and we ended up in some room with an archway that had voices coming out of it. I think the voices in the arch were of the dead which is why they filled my head so badly. Everything was sort of a blur after that. The pain came to my head, the voices came back and the next minute I was waking up in the hospital wing." The brunette explained, swallowing the lump in her throat.

This was the first time she talked about Sirius's death to anyone and even though it hurt a lot, she felt a sense of relief in a way. Like talking about it was a small step closer to moving on.

"That's awful," Gracie said softly, "Victoria, I'm so sorry."

Victoria's gaze remained in her lap. "The woman who murdered Sirius was the same woman who murdered my parents. She was his and my mother's cousin. I would've killed her there and then if I didn't knock myself out."

"I don't think you would have." Gracie said and Victoria looked up at her. "You are not like that woman. You have a good heart, and you are not a killer." She said.

"I really want to kill her for what she's done to me. What she's done to my friends. My family." Victoria said, letting her tears fall.

Gracie shook her head and leaned forward, grabbing Victoria's hands. "She has done terrible things. If you kill her, or even sink to her level, then you become as bad as her. I know you are not a bad person. You have just suffered a great deal and bad things have happened to you. You are so much stronger, smarter and kinder than any of those kinds of people are. The woman who killed your parents, and your uncle, will get her justice one day. Until then, you remain strong and fight. Fight harder than you've ever fought before so that not only your parents and Sirius, but every other person that she has hurt; can be avenged."

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