22. Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes

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"So when did you get here?" Harry asked Hermione.

"A few days ago," she said, "Although, for a while I wasn't sure I was coming."

Victoria and Harry stared at their friend in confusion.

"Mum sort of...lost it last week. Said Ginny and I have no business going back to Hogwarts. It's too dangerous." said Ron.

"Oh, come on..." Harry said.

"She's not alone." Hermione said. "Even my parents, they're muggles and they know something bad's happening."

"Anyway, Dad stepped in...told us she was being barmy and it took a few days, but she came around. " Ron continued.

"I mean, as long as Dumbledore's around...Hogwarts is safe." Victoria replied and Hermione eyed her best friend.

"There's been a lot of talk recently...that Dumbledore's got a bit old." she said.

Harry scoffed. "Rubbish! He's only what...how old is he?"

"A hundred and fifty, give or take a few years." Ron said and the four of them burst out laughing.

"On that note, I think we should go to bed." Victoria said after their laughter died down.

"Night," the boys said as the girls left the room.

"How've you been doing? I haven't heard from you all summer Tori, I was really worried." Hermione said.

Victoria shrugged. "I guess I'm okay. It still hurts but I'm getting better. Sorry I haven't written to you, I've spent all summer tracking down my Aunt on my dad's side."

"Oh that's wonderful!" Hermione said happily.

"Her name is Gracie and she's like me. A Banshee. She told me all about my dad and we had a really lovely afternoon. She said that Dumbledore is the one who warned my parents about Bellatrix and that's how I survived. Gracie had a premonition of them dying and somehow he knew about it. He showed up at her door and she told him what she saw. So basically, Dumbledore is the reason I'm alive." Victoria explained and Hermione looked shocked.

"He really is a great man." Hermione said and they chuckled.

"It's good to see you, Hermione,"

"It's good to see you too, Victoria."

The two girls hugged and bid goodnight to each other. Victoria was beyond tired and had no trouble falling asleep that night at all.


The four friends had gone to Diagon Alley today, to mainly get their school supplies but also to see Fred and George's joke shop. Victoria was thrilled for them, she knew from all the things they showed her that this was what they loved and it made her happy.

They entered the shop and it was packed; kids everywhere, Fred and George walking around proudly while describing their products. Victoria and Hermione split off from Ron and Harry and made their way over to a large pink station where Ginny was.

"Hello, ladies."

"Love potions, eh?"

"They really do work,"

"Then again, the way we heard it sis...you're doing just fine on your own."

"Meaning?" Ginny asked.

"Are you not currently dating Dean Thomas?"

"It's none of your business." Ginny said firmly and walked off.

"What about you Victoria, got a special someone on your mind?" Fred asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

Victoria raised an eyebrow at him. "No."

"Well, you know where to find us if you want one. Free of charge." George winked. The twins walked away and Victoria shook her head.

There was one person on her mind, but she wasn't about to admit that to the twins. She didn't want to admit it to anyone, because then her feelings would be real. And that scared her.

Hermione dragged the brunette away and they met up with Ron who was bribing his brothers.

"How much for me?"

"Five galleons." They said.

"I'm your brother." Ron frowned.

"Ten galleons." They said and walked off.

Victoria dragged the boy away, rolling her eyes. They exited the shop and walked slowly down the Alley, chatting quietly.

"How are Fred and George doing it? Half the Alley's closed down." Hermione said.

"Fred reckons people need a good laugh these days." Ron said.

"He's not wrong." Victoria added quietly.

"Oh no," Hermione said as they stopped in front of Ollivander's Wand Shop. "Everyone got their wands from Ollivander's."

The four of them entered the shop. There was glass everywhere from the windows being smashed, and boxes of wands were scattered all over the floor.

"Harry...is it me or do Draco and Mummy look like two people who don't want to be followed." Ron said and Victoria's head whipped around to the direction he was looking in.

She ran out of the shop, followed by the others and headed to where Draco and Narcissa were going. They stopped outside Borgin and Burke's and Victoria's breathing was heavy. It was dark and she was anxious.

A light suddenly turned on inside the shop and Victoria started to climb the roof to get a better look. The others followed hesitantly and the four of them watched as Draco, Narcissa and an all too familiar bunch of Death Eaters were looking at some cabinet. Fenrir Greyback stood by the window and startled Victoria. Her foot slipped and Greyback turned around. They ducked and waited, but hopped down when they saw he'd put the blind down.

What were the Malfoy's up to?


This chapter was pretty lame & I apologise but it's just a filler lol

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