Letter from AshleyMaycury

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Hey Johnny!!!! Muuuaaaahhh... How are you? How is George?? Everything good here, except its hot and then it turns cold at night... So, anyways, here's a video I would like you to review:

Would you do it, please????

Dear AshleyMaycury ,

I'm doing all right aside from my cat currently drinking out of my teacup. I'm too lazy to tell him to stop, so it's his tea now. Are you guys tired of hearing the Saga of My Cat yet?

George is doing good. His ego is boosted every time someone writing to ME asks how HE is doing. This book is about me, dag nabbit, and he manages to worm his way into it.

Anyway, I laughed until I cried watching that video. It was so random. In a good way. The video game in the background was hilarious, along with the pictures. I showed it to George and he actually spit out his tea. Thank you for sharing it.

 Thank you for sharing it

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