Letter from Monkee66

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Dear John,
Hi! I wrote a poem for both you and George, would you like to read it? If so what would be the best way to get it to you?
How do you write songs?
What is the weirdest Beatle fan fiction you have ever read?
Do you like milk or dark chocolate better?
What do you want for Valentine's Day?
Do guys have a favourite flower?
Do you like Subway?
What do you think of Gordon Ramsey?
Who is your frenemy?

Thank you for answering.


Dear Monkee66 ,

1. Yes, I would love to read a poem! You can just send it here and I'll read it! I suppose I'll invite George to read it as well.

2. There is an art to writing songwriting *note sarcasm.* First, you've got to sit down with your instrument and then just find whatever notes you can hear playing out in your head. I usually get the melody and then the lyrics come. Just write about whatever you feel near to your heart, or just write insults at your friends. That's what I did.

3. What?!? I haven't been reading fanfiction! Um . . . I don't know how you could ask such a thing!

*whispers* The weirdest one I've read is called "The Adventures of Jawn and Ringo," which is by a certain lonely pretzel.

4. I like dark chocolate better! A lot of people don't like it because it's kind of bitter, but I heard that it's healthier! This gives me the excuse to eat it everyday!

5. What do I want for Valentine's Day? Hmm . . . I want a giant stuffed cat with heart-eyes. Kind of like this: 😻. I don't need anything else but a stuffed cat.

6. People think that flowers are just for women, but no! Men like flowers too! We just don't go around chirping about how pretty they are and how good they smell. My favorite flower is a peace lily because, well, it's a PEACE lily.

7. Yes, I like Subway! My favorite thing to do is go in there and tell them I want the most complicated sandwich ever. I'll say, "Gimme a toasted Italian bread with everything on it, lots of salt and pepper, lots of mustard and mayo. Make sure to cut the cucumbers in half because I don't like full-sized cucumber slices. Make sure only to get the oil on the right side of the sandwich and the vinegar only on the left side." They're so mad when I leave there!

8. He's that chef guy, right? I suppose he's okay. I don't really watch food shows. That's what George does.

9. My frenemy would have to be Linda McCartney. You're all probably gasping in horror right now because Linda is a favorite. Well, when I first met her the tensions in the band were high and I just didn't like her, like how Paul didn't like Yoko. But also at the same time she was my good friend. One time I dropped my pick in my guitar and she helped get it out. So, yeah, we're frenemies.

Thanks for the hugs!

Thanks for the hugs!

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