Advice for VoodooChild2908

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Dear John:

I need advice from someone and what would be better than John Lennon for advice? (Besides, there are not many advice columns on wattpad)
Well, there's a guy I like who I think is crushing on a 'popular' girl. I wouldn't say I'm exactly smart and O quite despise sport, while he's the 'clever' type one in the yeargroup and loves physical education. And besides, if you know the musical 'Hamilton', I'm an Angelica type: If my best friend was crushing on him I would make them both get together no matter how I feel. I know this may sound strange, but I have very low self esteem.

If you could maybe give me some advice to make him like me, even though if it's only as a friend, I will be eternally thankful.

Thank you again,


Dear VoodooChild2908 ,

I think I can help you get close with him! Here are the steps:

1. Be yourself. This is the most important step! Don't try to be someone you're not, and people will like you for it.

2. Talk to him about things that he's interested in. Even if you do despise sports, you might find other things in common with him. Maybe he likes the same music, has read the same books, watched the same movies. Anything can be a topic!

3. Spend time with him if you can, but give him space. Be sparing with the time you spend with him.

If he doesn't seem interested or ignores you, you deserve better! Try to move on from him. There are many fish out there better than him if he doesn't want to spend time with you.

I hope things work out!

I hope things work out!

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