Letter from Monkee66

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Mon artiste,
Hi. How are you? I'm alright.
Why did you change your middle name to Ono?
I got 'Magical Mystery tour' from the library and now I'm slightly afraid to watch it...will you watch it with me?
If you got a dog what kind of dog would you get?
What do you think of this guy? I love his videos.

Hope everything is going well for you.


Dear Monkee66,

Hi! I'm good, thanks. I'm glad that you're doing good as well!

I changed my middle name to Ono because I wanted to show the world how much I love Yoko. It was either that, or change it to, "World, I love Yoko Ono, and I don't care what you have to say about it!" but that's a little too long.

Why are you afraid to watch Magical Mystery Tour? Sure, I'll watch it with you. It always makes me happy to think of the good old days.

If I got a dog, I would get a Pomeranian, because they're small and adorable. I'm not much of a large dog person. I like the little guys. :)

That video is absolutely hilarious! I died laughing too many times to count! I can tell why you like him!

That video is absolutely hilarious! I died laughing too many times to count! I can tell why you like him!

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