Letter from Kaitlin_W1212

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Dear John, I have a few more questions
1. If you could time travel, where would you go and why?
2. What is your favorite sport?
3. If you weren't a musician, what job do you think you'd have? (If you've answered any of these, you don't have to answer them again) Thanks!

Dear Kaitlin_W1212 ,

1. I would time travel to 1865 so I could have Lewis Carroll sign my copy of Alice in Wonderland. I love all of those books so much, so I might just take all of them for him to sign. I would also ask him what inspired him to write them.

2. My favorite sport is football, which Americans call soccer for some reason. They're weird. Liverpool takes their football very, very, very seriously.

3. *posh voice* Well, I'd always fancied myself as a poet. I would be writing poems about how the wind sounds beautiful when it blows in the right direction and how the sky resembles Ringo's eyes on the right day. Wait. That's actually sounds good.

Excuse me while I go write this masterpiece.

Excuse me while I go write this masterpiece

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