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John: All right, readers, Lilie has a new gimmick for you all! And she will tell you about it right . . . now.

Me: So we're having a contest to show some John love, because I think he deserves it!

John: Really? I don't think I do.

Me: Just shut up. Anyway, we're going to have an art contest. Here are the things to do if you want to enter:
Draw a picture of John, put it in a separate little book, tag it with #Lilie79JohnArt, and I should be able to find it. You have all the time between now and September 2 to submit it. The drawings/art will be judged on September 3 and the winner will be announced the same day. This is the first contest I've ever held, so please enter. It doesn't matter if you think you can't draw. All entries are appreciated. This will probably go down like a led balloon, but I just felt like doing it. John is exciting, aren't you, John?

John: *pauses from drawing a doodle on the table* Huh? What?

Me: *slightly flustered* You're excited for the contest, aren't you?

John: Um, I guess so. She really would appreciate it if you entered, folks! Don't be shy! Don't let her down! *begins singing* Don't let me down! Don't let me down!

Me: *rolls eyes* Anyway, that's all! Thanks, guys!

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