Letter from Daydream_Believer66

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Dear John,
Thank you for replying last time and helping me find (and rediscover) new music. Anyway I was wondering if you could answer some novelty questions I was just thinking Of?

What was your favourite episode of the Monkees?
Also what was your personal favourite song you did with your career with the Beatles
Finally, did you prefer your round glasses or your buddy holly looking Pair?

Yours thankfully,

Dear @Daydream_Believer66,

Hello! I enjoyed recommending you music, and I'm glad you liked it!

1. My favorite episode of the Monkees Show would be the one where they keep bleeping what they were saying. It was so funny!

2. My favorite song I recorded in the Beatles would probably be "In My Life." I think it's art, if I do say so myself.

3. I loved Buddy Holly and my glasses that resembled his, but I would have to say I felt the most comfortable in the my "granny" glasses.

 I loved Buddy Holly and my glasses that resembled his, but I would have to say I felt the most comfortable in the my "granny" glasses

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