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//Promises don't last forever, but forever can't exist without promises//

Y/n's POV

"Tom, what are you doing here?" You asked, what Harrison said suddenly made sense.

"Uh, well, after our phone call I realized how much I missed talking to you and everything," He paused and ran a hand through his mop of brown curls. "Look, I know that I fucked everything up between us, on more than one occasion, but I want you to be a part of my life." You looked at the ground as your cheeks warmed and a smile stretched across your face. You looked back up at him, he was clasping and unclasping his hands, he was nervous.

"I want you to be a part of mine too." You said. Those ten words brought a smile to his face, lighting up his features. You pulled him into a hug, his arms wrapped tightly around the middle of your back.

"Y/n, who is it?" Andrew called out from the couch. Tom let go of you quickly.

"I'm sorry I didn't realize-" He said quietly.

"It's fine." You replied before turning to face the living room. "Uh, A, I'm going to go for a walk, I'll be back soon."

"Alright, but I'm starting Thor: Ragnarok in ten minutes with or without you."

Tom chuckled at your movie choice, "Still a fan of Marvel I see."

"Yep." You said before closing the door.

"What did you think of Homecoming?"

"If we're being honest, I think that it could have been a lot better, but I mean, I guess it was okay." Tom's hand shot over his chest pretending to be offended.

"How dare you." He said trying to stifle his laugh.

"Is there anything you can mell be about Endgame?" You pried, hoping for something, anything.

"I'm not allowed to talk about it."

"Come on, anything."

"Well, RDJ is in it and so am I." He said as you walked down the block towards the park.

"I already knew that."

"If Sony hears that I slipped up again they're going to drop me."

"Picture that, Tom Holland the loose-lipped brit has done it again."

"Stop, I don't wanna think about that." He said laughing. You walked in a comfortable silence for a bit.

"So, who's A?" He asked.

"Oh, that's Andrew, he's uh, my boyfriend."

"Oh, nice- are you happy?" He said awkwardly.

"I-yeah." You shrugged.

"Good." Tom said looking down at the ground with his hands shoved in his pockets.

"What about you?"

"Well, I had a psychopath girlfriend for a while, kicked her out." He chuckled.

"Nice." You nodded silently.

Tom's POV

Part of me wished that Andrew didn't exist, but I have to be happy for her, right? She found someone who wasn't gonna kidnap her again, she found someone normal and normal can be good. I didn't expect her to wait, especially after what a fuck up job I've don't in the past, but part of me wished she did.

"Uh, about Andrew." She started looking back at me, the light from the lampposts illuminated her skin and made her eyes twinkle. "It's hard with him, ya know, it's not, and won't ever be as easy as it was with you." I looked back at the ground.

"Yeah." I mumbled.


"I haven't been in a relationship as effortless as ours since, well, us." I looked back at her. "I'm really sorry y/n, I know that I fucked-and keep fucking everything up. Trust me, if I could go back seven years and never say anything to you I would. I didn't mean it, not one word."

"I know." She said exhaling heavily, before looking up at me. "I miss us."


"I do to, but I want you to be happy, and if that means that we stay friends I am perfectly fine with that." TF You're not.

"Can I ask something crazy?" She asked biting the inside of her lip nervously.


"Can I kiss you?"

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