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//Promises don't last forever, but forever can't exist without promises//

A/n: Sorry there is quite a few Grey's references, if you don't know them you should educate yourself🙃 (see how I used that emoji to make it less aggressive😃)

Time Jump to Sunday (ab. Five days later.)

"Y/n it's that time." Dante said excitedly as he strode into your room donning navy blue scrubs.

"Uh, again?" You asked annoyed.

"Mr. MRI is waiting for you to join him." You groaned as Dante unlocked the wheels to your bed and started rolling you out of the room. Getting scans meant laying in a freezing and loud room for over an hour, and you couldn't even move a finger for it would mess up the image. "A little birdy told me your friends are going to be waiting for you when we finish up."

"How long are these going to take?"

"Well, we need three angles of your arm, your stomach, your elbow, knee and left pointer finger-" Dante joked as he pushed you into an elevator.

"For real though."

"An hour thirty at the most." You groaned and looked around the elevator, you wondered if doctors really did hook up in them like in Grey's Anatomy, or if an intern performed open heart surgery when the elevator got stuck. You laughed a little lost in your thoughts.

"What'cha thinkin about?" Dante asked amused as he pushed you into the MRI room. The coldness of the air enveloped you, causing the short hairs on your arms and legs to stand on end. The room was whitewashed, boring at most; the large metal machine stood in the middle of the room and a thick glass window would be the only ways of communication once you were inside the beast.

"Has there ever been a heart in a box, or an intern performing open heart surgery in a broken elevator here before?"

"No not that I know of." Dante said as he helped you onto a narrow table that would eventually slide into the machine.

"Are there any ridiculously hot doctors?"

"Yes, you should see Dr. Halkins, it's really a shame he's straight." Dante said with a quiet laugh as he tucked a thin baby blue blanket around your waist. "Ready?"

"By ready if you mean to be birthed in reverse, then yes. Let's get this over with." Dante chuckled as he closed a thick wooden door and took a seat behind the equally thick window. Soon the beast started to sound, the loud c-chunk was audible over the white noise that was being played on the headphones that cupped your ears.

Tom's POV

Harrison and I decided to race up the stairs to y/n's floor. Some of the doctors who also decided to take this alternate route looked at us like we were crazy. Dante said that y/n had an MRI that would take about an hour, so I didn't know why we were running. Haz beat me to y/n's door, the room looked and felt empty without her bed; in fact, there was enough room for me to do a round-off tuck. (if you don't know what that is it's basically a cartwheel into a backflip)

"Do it mate." Harrison said reading my mind.

"Nah, I'm not wearing good shoes, if I do it I'm gonna mess up and break my nose, again; and I don't need a lecture from y/n and any other doctors that walk by." A back tuck (idk what other people call it but it's called a back tuck in American cheerleading sooo...) was a tantalizing idea, it had been a while since I had done it, but I decided against it for the risk of a lecture was too high.

"Pussy." Harrison whispered as he looked out the window at the sea of cars below. I sid off a shoe and threw it at him, earning me a 'hey!'. "How's Maia?"


"Maia, hows Maia, your Girlfriend? What does she think about all of this?" Harrison asked, his eyes searching for an answer in mine.

Shit, I thought, with everything going on with y/n I completely forgot about Maia. If she finds out I have been with an old flame, scratch that, forest fire of mine she's gonna be pissed.

"I gotta go." I shouted my voice raising a few pitches as I dashed out the door to hopefully manage to talk my way out of the screaming match that waited for me at home.

I promise, nobody will ever take your place.


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