Chapter 2

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After first hour was over I ran to the bathroom immediately the bell rang. I just needed to get out and have some alone time. Being with so many people suddenly felt foreign to me. The stares and whispers made it even worse for me to concentrate. I couldn't count how many times Megan had to stop me from grabbing my stuff and running home in the middle the lesson.

"Oh you're here, Thank Goodness I thought you ran home." great! So I can't even be alone for two minutes without anybody disturbing me. I was seated on the floor hugging my knees. I looked up and saw my best friend.

"I was just getting some air" she narrowed her eyes and squatted in front of me.

"You mean getting away from everyone? You know you can never lie to me. I'm your best friend, I know you better than anyone in this world." I sighed. "You haven't talked to me since you came back neither did you want me to come visit you at home."

"I just wanted to be left alone." I said blankly. She sighed heavily.

"Ky I get it okay, you don't want to be bothered and the pitiful stares you are getting here are making it hard for you to be okay but stop pushing me away please. You're hurting me when you do that." Her voice carried a lot of hurt. "It's me, Megan your best friend for goodness sake. We can get through this rough patch together like always." She cupped my now wet cheeks.

I felt tears roll down my cheeks then suddenly she pulled me into a hug. I really missed my best friend, this past week has been so hard without her. Megan was more than a best friend she was more like the sister I never had. We did everything together. Okay almost since we don't share every class.

She was right though. I did push her away. I thought this was only my burden to carry. I mean I was the one who was left with no one in her family so I had to keep it to myself, which apparently was wrong of me.

"I'm sorry..... I thought you wouldn't want to be around me anymore because I'm an orphan now you know. I'm sorry I can be childish sometimes." I said in a shaky voice. Tears were still rolling down my cheeks.

"It's okay Ky I understand. Just promise me you won't ever push me away. I'd never turn my back on you because you lost your parents. Come on what kind of a friend and sister would I be? Please promise me you won't" I nodded

"I promise" I hugged her again. I don't know what I'd do without her.

"Now let's go back to class." she stood up and held out her hand for me, I grabbed it helping myself up and we started walking back to class still holding hands. Kind of reminded me of the old times when we first became friends.


"Finally! The day is over and I can finally go to my bed and lay there till morning." Meg just looked at me like I said something funny and started laughing to herself.

"You know Ky I just don't get how you could sleep so much then come back to school and still want to sleep some more like you haven't been doing that for the last nine days." I stopped walking.

"Actually that's what I've been doing" I said in a low tone and she looked at me. "I haven't been sleeping for the past nine days.....well not much because Rose made me take sleeping pills recently." Megan's crystal blue eyes widened in shock

"Oh My God Kyla I'm so sorry. I didn't know." I sighed and shrugged.

"It has not been easy Meg but I am trying to accept they're really gone you know. That's the only choice I have or else I will lose it." She sighed

"I know what you're going through but I am here okay?" I nodded and smiled at her. "I just hope you haven't already lost it." She said.

"What do you mean by that?" She sighed and got closer to whisper.

"I mean I hope you haven't went back to you know old habits?" My eyes widened when I realised what she meant.

"What? No!" I looked around. "I made a promise to you and Alec I'd stop so I never went back relax." She released a deep breath.

"That's better. I wouldn't want you to be going back there. Come on you have a bus to catch." We continued to walk out of the school premises in silence, headed to my bus.

She didn't really need a bus to school, her house was just near the school. Well not her parents' house but a place she stayed in with an aunt I believe, because her home is much further from school. Her home was in the North of Houston. Her parents were business people and owned some of the best agencies in the country. They specialised in real estate.

Finally she broke the silence. "How about I come stay with you for a couple of days or weeks or-" I cut in

"Or just come live with me" she giggled and nodded. "Don't worry about me Meg. I'll be Okay. Besides it's not like I'm all alone in that mansion, Jerry and Rose are there and they do take care of me extremely well." I winked at her. She smiled. "And besides grandpa only left last night."

"It wouldn't be a problem Ky, my parents wouldn't mind either" I kept quiet. As much as the idea sounded lovely I just couldn't allow that. I sometimes wanna be alone so I don't want her to be feeling uncomfortable when I have my off days. "Okay fine, if only you are sure though."

"I am trust me." She nodded.

"Is your grandfather coming back soon?" I giggled.

"Megan Miller I am seventeen not ten." She giggled. "Of course he'll be back soon but relax I'm safe."

"Fine." She said in defeat.

"Okay I have to get going now, I will see you tomorrow. Take care." We hugged.

"You too."

I walked to my transport then got in the bus and found Hannah already seated. Almost everyone was in already actually.

"Oh here she is. I actually thought you were gonna be late and miss it." she said in a mocking manner.

"I was just saying bye to Megan. She just went home." I sat down.

"She's so lucky she doesn't have to take long to get home. Unlike some of us." I giggled at her sarcasm.

"Come on it's just ten minutes." She rolled her eyes.

"By the way Deveon is around. He was just late." I felt my eyes widen at that. What? He was in school the whole time and I didn't see him not even once? 

"Hello! Earth to Kyla!"

"Oh I'm sorry, I just can't believe we were in the same school all day and I couldn't see him not even once." she nodded

"You know I also can't believe you guys didn't bump into each other somewhere. I mean it is a big school yeah but come on you have some classes together." Come to think of it we do. Why didn't I see him?

"I guess I've been with Megan all day long that I didn't notice anybody else." To be honest I just went to those classes just for the sake of going there. My mind wasn't there at all. I kept on zoning out a lot and just being in this quiet dark place where there was no one staring.

"Yeah you're right you were with her a lot." Hannah said.

"What are you girls talking about?"

His voice was deep and my heart weirdly skipped a beat immediately I heard it hitting my eardrums. I lifted my face to confirm I wasn't dreaming only to find the same emerald green eyes that I've grown to know over the past year looking at me. His smile was so beautiful. He was tan in complexion making him really handsome. No wonder so many girls fall for him easily.

I said in almost a whisper but I'm sure he heard me.



Hey guys!
What do you think about this chapter? It's short I know but this isn't going to be a long book either so yeah, well that's what I think for now.

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