Chapter 67

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Week 31: The baby is very active and growing rapidly. They are the size of a zucchini, weighing 1.75 kilograms and almost 42 centimetres in size.


Clyde pulled up in front of the hotel Alec told us to come to. After getting out he gave the keys to the valet and we got in the cold wind blowing in our faces. We got in and the beautiful lady at the desk greeted us.

"Do you have a reservation?" She asked.

"Yes. Alec Reed." The lady typed quickly on her keyboard and then raised her face smiling.

"Private lounge is this way please." She pointed towards the quieter side of the hotel. Thank Goodness he picked an excluded table.

"Thank you." We said and walked to where she pointed. I spotted Alec immediately we entered. "There he is."

"He's alone?" Clyde asked. I looked beside him and there was no one. He saw us as we approached and smiled.

"You made it." He said when we arrived at the table.

"Hey man." The shook hands.

"Hey." I said giving him a hug. "Alec where is your girlfriend?" I asked sitting down next to Clyde.

"Oh she went to the restroom." Oh that's better.

"Oh" is all I said.

"Speak of the angel." A black girl appeared from the hallway leading to the restroom I guess. She was tall and slim like a model. Beautiful too with her big fluffy hair. She sat next to Alec.

"I'm sorry I kept everyone waiting." She said politely.

"Actually they just arrived. So Ky this is Naomi Williams and babe this is my high school friend Kyla and this is Clyde." She smiled nodding.

"It's so nice to meet you guys. Alec told me nice things about you." She said.

"Nice to finally meet you too Naomi." Clyde said.

"Same here I just wonder what he actually said about us." We all giggled.

"Just that you're a nice and a humble person."

"How kind of him to say that." I said. "Okay I'm hungry, are we eating or not?" Everyone laughed. A waiter came and took our orders and then disappeared again.

"No wine?" Alec asked.

"I stopped drinking alcohol five months ago." I said.

"Really?" He asked surprised.

"Yeah well my days as a wild teenager are over." We chuckled.

"I can't believe you said wild, I thought you were the perfect daughter." Naomi said.

"Not everything is at it seems babe. Kyla, Megan and I used to be party freaks in highschool." I giggled shaking my head.

"No you and Meg were the freaks. I was shy remember?" He laughed out loud.

"Now that's a lie." He said making me laugh even harder.

"Stop." I said and Naomi cleared her throat.

"You two seem to have had the most interesting life." She said. I wiped my teary eyes.

"Well your boyfriend here is fun to be with but I am sure you already know that right?" She grinned.

"Yeah." She locked arms with him.

"So I am curious to know where you guys met." They both looked at each other and smiled when I asked.

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