"Awwwwww!" Laura and rydel said and riker laughed.

"Ok ross truth or dare?" Riker asked.

"Dare!" I said.

"Ok I dare you to get drunk!" Riker said.

"Ok I would but I don't want to feel awful and still have to take care of Romeo." I said.

"Yea your right ok I dark you to be naked the rest if this game." Riker said and I sighed.

"Fine!" I said and took off my boxers and covered myself.

"Um ok rocky truth or dare?" I asked.

"Truth." He said.

"You guys are no fun! Anyways um what is your biggest secret?" I asked.

"Alexa is pregneat." Rocky said.

"Woah I really happy for you!" I said.

"Yea when did this happen?" Riker asked.

"She came over when we came back from our trip telling me she was pregnant." Rocky said.

"Wow rocks!" Rydel said hugging him then pulled away.

"So when is the baby due?" Ratliff asked.

"We don't know anything yet." Rocky said.

"Ok I might be abel to help you so when was the last time you guys made love?" I asked.

"Today after finding out about the baby." Rocky said.

"Ok I meant before that?" I asked.

"Like a mouth ago." Rocky said.

"Wow ok so the baby might be about 4 or 5 weeks along." I said and rocky smiled.

"Ok so rydel truth or dare?" Rocky asked.

"Dare!" Rydel said.

"Ok I dare you to hug your naked brother ross!" Rocky said and rydel sighed.

"Ross stand up." Rydel said and I did then she pulled me into a hug and I tightened my grip before she could pull away.

"ross let go!!" She said trying to get out then I felt her hand touch my dick and I pulled away and we looked at each other in disgust.

"Ewwwww!" We both said sitting down.

"What happend?" Ryland asked.

"Rydel touched my dick." I said and everyone started laughing.

"Ok game is over!" I said putting on my boxers and I sat on the couch and everyone laughed and sat down then Romeo started crying.

"I got him." Laura said and went upstairs and rocky sat next to me.

"So what's the pregnancy like?" Rocky asked.

"Well she is going to have lots of mood swings and be really hungry for just one thing.she will probably have constipation and diarrhea and just feel awful." I said and rocky sighed.

"Ok so what about the baby?" rocky Asked.

"Much easier then the girl!" I said and rocky laughed.

"No I'm joking ok so when the baby is born its a lot of work he or she will pee on you and just cry all day and all night so you will get like no sleep." I said.

"Ok thanks for telling me." Rocky said.

"Well goodnight everyone I'm going to bed." Laura said.

"Me to." I said then everyone said goodnight and we went upstairs and got in bed and I pulled Laura close.

"I love you sweetie!" I said kissing her.

"I love you to." She said holding on to me and we fell asleep in each others arms.

After waking up a million times I woke to see it was morning and Laura was in my arms and she was waking up.

"Morning baby." I said and she smiled.

"Morning rossy." She said and I pulled her on top of me.

"Oh I forgot Romeo is due for shots today." Laura said.

"Oh yea 12 right?" I asked her.

"Yep." She said then I rolled her over and got on top of her and she giggled then I grinded on her and she giggled putting her hands in my hips then I stopped and kissed her.

"Well that turned me on!" She said and I laughed getting off her and got up and so did Laura and we went downstairs to see riker and rydel.

"Hey guys." I said.

"Hey." They both said and we sat down then rocky,ryland,and ratliff came down.

"Ugh I got the room that was close to Romeo's and I herd him cry like 100,000 times!" Ryland complained and I laughed.

"Well it's hard having a baby." I said and he sighed sitting down.

"Can you make breakfast?" Everyone asked and I sighed.

"Fine." I said and after finishing breakfast I went in the living room to see everyone gone.

"Guys?" I said then all of a sudden they jumped out.

"FUCKKKKKKK!" I yelled in fear and everyone started laughing.

"God! Well breakfast is ready." I said and everyone ran into the kitchen then I heard Romeo crying so I went upstairs picking him up to see he peed himself and sighed as he cried and set him on the changing table and took of all his clothes and brought him to the bathroom and I cleaned the pee off him then brought him back to his room and I gave him a pacifier and put a fresh diaper on him and clothes then brought him downstairs.

Again sorry for the lame chapter I need some good ideas help!!

The kiss Sequel to Best Friends brother (raura)Where stories live. Discover now