Hidding things!

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"Amazing dream." She said and I chucked then we fell asleep and after about the 1000th time waking up I finally woke up to see it was morning and saw Laura awake next to me on my phone.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" I yelled startling her.

"Relax I'm just on Instagram I swear I didn't look through anything." She said.

"Ok good." I said all of a sudden she just looked at me.

"What is so important on here that you have to keep away from me?" Laura asked and I sighed.

"I can't tell you." I said then she threw Phone at me.

"Well mister secret have fun sexting with random girls sending each other nudes and if you say you're not doing that their is no fucking way to believe you!!" She said getting out of Bed and she ran downstairs and I sighed and got out of bed and saw Romeo in a deep sleep and went downstairs to see Laura hugging her knees.

"Oh so you're done sexting your morning boner so fast I'm impressed." Laura sarcastically said and I sighed.

"Laura I don't send girls nudes of my body why do you even think that?" I asked.


"That wasn't on my photos." I said.


"That was my ex girlfriends and she won't stop sending me nudes and has been trying to get my back I told her I'm engaged and I have a son but she won't listen." I said.

"I don't fucking believe you let me see all of the messages!" Laura said and I could tell she was very angry.

"Fine!" I said and gave her my phone and she went to the messages.

Laura's POV

As I was going threw the gross nudes I was happy to see ross trying to stop to her Then I saw something the broke my heart it was of her and ross and he was inside of her and the next one she was sucking his dick tears flew down my face.

"YOU ASSHOLE YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" I yelled throwing his phone at him running upstairs and cried my eyes out in the bathroom.

Ross's POV

As Laura was looking through the pictures as angry as ever but I could tell she was a little relieved that I didn't send anything all of a sudden tears flew down Laura's eyes.

"YOU ASSHOLE YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" She yelled at me and threw my phone at me and ran upstairs crying her eyes out.

What did I do?

I then looked at the phone shit no not is having FUCKING SEX NO NO NO I LIED TO LAURA ABOUT HER BEING MY FIRST NO!!!!

I then ran upstairs to hear Laura crying in the bathroom and I opend the door to see her crying on the floor.

"MOTHERFUCKER!" She yelled at me in tears.

"Laura I'm so sorry!" I said.

"I-I can't b-believe y-you wow I-I never t-though your p-private stuff I-is cheating o-on your g-girlfriend!" She said and tears where coming down her face like crazy.

"Laura no I swear I never cheated on you." I said.

"Then when where you having sex with that girl?!?!" Laura asked.

"That was the day after our big fight when I broke your neckless over a year ago." I said.

"Ross you lied you fucking lied I remember our first time having sex and how relived I was that your where a Virgin with me but you just lied and now I feel like a piece of shit!!" She said trying to stop crying.

"Laura that was more than a year ago I swear with all my heat that I have never cheated on you and that time I freaked out about you looking through my notes was because I was writing about purposing to you and my search history is all homework or how to be a better dad." I said and she looked up at me.

"Thanks for telling me but it really hurts that you kept all that from me." Laura said wiping her tears.

"I know baby and I'm sorry." I said.

"I'm sorry to." She said and stood up and I pulled her into a tight hug then Romeo started crying and I pulled away.

"Looks like someone is awake." She said and I chucked and we went back to out room and Laura picked him up.

"Hi baby boy." Laura said kissing his cheek and he stopped crying.

"Ok he is not hungry lets go downstairs." Laura said and I agreed and we went downstairs to see rydel,ratliff,ryland, and riker.

"Hey guys." I said plopping on the couch.

"Hey." They all said.

"Where is everyone else?" I asked.

"Rocky is sleeping and the kids,mom, and dad are making cookies." Rydel said.

"Ok cool." I said and everyone started watching tv.

I can't believe what ross kept from Laura!!!

The kiss Sequel to Best Friends brother (raura)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang