Volume 1 Chapter 5 (Rewrite)

Start from the beginning

Glynda: (sigh) Poor boy... I can't possibly imagine those two getting along. Still, he's probably better off than Miss Nikos.

She changes the video to Pyrrha and Jaune, trekking through the woods.

She changes the video to Pyrrha and Jaune, trekking through the woods

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Ozpin: Mmmm...

Glynda: I don't care what his transcripts say. That Jaune fellow is not ready for this level of combat.

She deactivates her tablet and walks back a bit.

Glynda: I guess we'll find out soon enough. At their current pace, they should reach the temple within just a few minutes.

Glynda turns back to Ozpin.

Glynda: Speaking of which, what did you use as relics this year?

Ozpin: ...

Glynda: Professor Ozpin?

Ozpin doesn't respond as he watches his tablet with a solemn look on his face as the tablet shows the footage of Onyx slicing through the Grimm with ease. From his point of view, Onyx was briefly replaced with Jonathan before changing back to Onyx. Unbeknownst to Glynda, Ozpin seemingly smiles, almost like a proud parent.

Ozpin: Jonathan... Vanessa. You've both raised him well.

(scene change and Onyx's POV)

It's been about three fricking hours now and I have had no luck in finding that temple that Ozpin has been talking about. All I have literally done is dash around, look badass while killing Grimm and saving some paired up pussies, who were even more scared by me wearing a mask. One of them had brown hair with some sort of armour covering him... His build and the way he looks gives me that vibe of a stereotypical bully and that I really wanna punch him in the face.

I haven't found anyone familiar at all in those three hours.


Onyx: Eh?...

That came from afar. The explosion was then followed up with a voice.

???: Help! Woah-ah-ah-ah-ah! Why?! Pyrrha! He-e-e-elp! Pyrrha, this is not the relic! It's not! Do something!

Onyx: (sweat drops) Jaune...

I swiftly climb to the top of a nearby tree and see Jaune flying across the forest, accompanied with a very feminine scream.

Onyx: ("Oh geez. I feel like I should help him...... Nah, he's got Pyrrha, he'll be fine.")

Jaune: (in the distance) I'm definitely not gonna be fine! Pyrrha!!

I then see a falling Ruby as I sigh.

Onyx: And another one... They're both pretty far. But I think I can make it.

I start charging up my body again as I started running to where I presume Jaune and Ruby are gonna land.

(short time skip)

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