grand finale

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One Year Later

"Today's your big day baby." Jordan smiled that morning, one year later. Jordan and Mila remained boyfriend and girlfriend, handling long distance to the best of their abilities as she was actually going to be moving out to Los Angeles to be with him at the end of June. Mila was now graduating from high school that Friday evening, as she had made valedictorian just like Luana. Damon and Emily had flown in a few weeks earlier, as they'd be in Pittsburgh until the beginning of July to be with everyone, as they were engaged and about to get married. Luana and Garrett were still dating, as Lucas was almost two and Luana was pregnant with their second baby, as she was due in November. Bayley and Elias couldn't believe that now their kids were all adults, getting married or in relationships, moving out on their own, starting families and living their dreams. It definitely felt weird, but a good weird.

"I know. It's so weird. I'm the last one." She said, as the two then got up to eat breakfast with her parents. While he was getting ready, she excused herself, walking upstairs and knocking on her parents bedroom door.

"Are you okay?" Bayley asked, as Mila already had tears in her eyes.

"Yeah. I just wanted to talk to you and dad before I get ready." She said, as the three sat down on Bayley and Elias's bed.

"What's going on?" Elias asked.

"Nothing. I just wanted to thank you guys for being my parents. Even with my breathing issues, you guys never treated me any different, and still loved me the same as Damon and Luana. I couldn't have imagined or asked for better parents than you two. You guys allowed me to live and go do some of my biggest dreams, and letting me be myself and helping me break out of my shell. I owe my life, literally to you two. You guys mean the world to me and I just wanted to thank you." Mila said, as all three of them were crying as they hugged each other.

"You'll forever be our little girl, and miracle baby. It's such a miracle you fought through all those issues and you're here today. We love you so much Mila Destiny." Bayley said as Elias agreed, hugging her once more before kissing the top of her head.

"I love you guys too." She smiled, giving them another hug before going downstairs and finishing getting her hair and makeup done and ready, getting her red dress on and her sandals, since she didn't want to wear heels, a fear of falling or tripping in them grew onto her last minute and she wasn't about to take that chance.

"You look stunning." Jordan whispered, grinning from ear to ear, kissing her softly.

"Thank you. You look handsome baby." She grinned, seeing him in a red dress shirt, the color that matched her dress, black dress slacks and dress shoes. Then, the four of them headed out for the ceremony as Mila had to go rehearse her speech, and wait with her class while Damon, Emily, Luana, Garrett with baby Lucas, Jordan, Bayley and Elias sat down as they all talked to each other about the ceremony and Mila. They all watched with huge grins, letting tears slide down their cheeks as Mila gave her Valedictorian speech. It was even hard for her to not cry, as she let just a few tears slide down her cheeks as she then sat down with her class, as they all got lined up to receive their diplomas.

"Mila Destiny Samson." The principal called her name off from the list, as she grinned receiving her diploma as the family and a few other people cheered loudly for her. Then, not even an hour later they were all waiting outside for Mila as the graduates started pouring out from the doors of the arena they had graduated at. Once Mila walked out and she made eye contact with her family, she walked faster, hugging Damon and Luana first, just like she did at their graduation.

"You did it baby sis. You've graduated. I'm so incredibly proud of you Mila." Damon grinned at his baby sister.

"I'm so proud of you. Followed in my footsteps. Your speech was amazing. But you made it to this day, and that's so much more amazing." Luana said, smiling from ear to ear.

"I love you guys. Thank you for helping me get to this point." She grinned, more tears rolling down her cheeks as she wiped them away. She then hugged Emily and Garrett, along with baby Lucas before hugging Jordan.

"You did it love. I'm so indescribably proud of you babygirl. You earned it. I'm so so so proud of you." The caramel colored skin guy grinned, looking into his girlfriend's eyes.

"Thank you. And thank you for being here. It means a lot and I love you." She softly smiled.

"I love you too babygirl." He grinned, kissing her.

"You deserve it Mila. We're incredibly proud and grateful to see what you've become as a young woman, now going to live your dreams with the man of your dreams. There's not one thing I couldn't be more proud of you for. We love you so much. So so much." Bayley and Elias grinned, hugging their youngest daughter. Mila thanked them, walking back to Jordan and her siblings, talking with them while Bayley and Elias walked away from everyone.

"Well, they're all officially grown up." Elias said, looking at his wife.

"Yeah. Twenty four years together. Here we are now. Luana and Garrett are together, parents of one baby, about to be two. Damon and Emily are getting married and living their dreams. Mila and Jordan dating, about to move in together and live their dreams." Bayley smiled, so incredibly proud of her kids.

"And to think all this started twenty seven years ago when we became friends in NXT." Elias grinned, remembering the moment he and Bayley became good friends in NXT.

"It's crazy. All the ups, downs, rewards and setbacks. Marriage, kids, grandkids. This is where we are." Bayley said, looking into her husband's eyes.

"I wouldn't have had it any other way. You've been the love of my life for so long, and I don't plan on falling out of love with you. It's us, forever. No matter what." Elias said, kissing his wife.

"And to think, our first date was technically at Corey's house then a cafe." Bayley giggled.

"What can I say? All I wanted to do, was take your time."

Take Your Time (Bayley x Elias)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن