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"I'm home baby." Elias called throughout the house the next Wednesday afternoon. He was extremely nervous to tell Bayley what had happened, but then again he couldn't hide it forever.

"Baby! I missed you!" She grinned, walking out from the kitchen giving him a huge hug before slowly kissing him.

"I missed you too. How's my girls doing?" He asked as he saw Mila in her high chair, baby babbling and giggling when she saw Elias as he lifted her out so he could hold her.

"We're good. Damon and Luana were a bit of a hassle this morning since they didn't go to bed till 10 last night. Too energetic as I tried to get Mila to sleep so they'll probably take a nap when they get home." She said, grabbing them some water as she sat down next to her husband.

"I'm not surprised. I know they don't act like that when I'm home." He chuckled.

"That's true. How was the tour?" She asked as he knew he couldn't hide what he did anymore. It was bound to be told one way or another. He just didn't know how in the hell he was going to tell her.

"It was alright. Not the best not the worst." He shrugged.

"Did something happen to make it not fun? Those tours were always the best." She asked as he knew he had to tell her in that moment; good or bad reaction.

"Yeah, something happened." He said.

"What happened?" She asked, confused on what could've possibly happened.

"Okay, so last Thursday we all went out to celebrate the show. I got drunk and had a one night stand." He admitted as Bayley was speechless. He cheated on her?

"Y-you did what?" She asked, at a loss for words.

"I had a drunken one night stand. I don't even know who this girl is, I left as soon as I got up." He said before Bayley stopped him.

"You cheated on me." She whispered, tears beginning to fall down her cheeks.

"Bay I swear I didn't mean too." He said, even though it didn't help.

"After almost seven years and what we've been through? How could you do this?" She asked, not having much voice since the heartbreak was taking an even bigger toll on her.

"I didn't mean too. I didn't keep sleeping around. It was a drunken mistake." He tried to explain, as she just cried harder.

"Give me Mila, and leave." She said, glaring into his eyes.

"Babe." He tried to plead, although it didn't work.

"Don't babe me. You hurt me, you can leave." She cried as she took Mila from his arms as he grabbed his stuff and walked out of the house. She watched him as she just cried harder. Seven years, three kids, ups, downs, good and bad times, and he would just throw it away? She then laid Mila down in her crib, going into her and Elias's bedroom, crying her eyes out as she sat on their bed, digesting all that happened. Now, she didn't know where to go from there.

Take Your Time (Bayley x Elias)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora