high school fun

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Seven Weeks Later|August

"Do you know where all your classes are? Do you need any help?" Luana asked as she, Mila and Damon walked into the high school together. They had a lot of fun when Mila got back for the rest of summer, as they were now back in school. Damon and Luana were in their junior year, and Mila was a freshman as the twins had been giving her advice and helping her.

"No I think I got it. I'll text you guys if I need anything. I'm gonna go meet up with Ivy and head to science." Mila smiled, hugging her siblings as she went with Ivy, Luana went with Garrett to help him as well as introduce him to her two closest friends Kennedy and Morgan. Damon went with Clay to grab a snack before those two headed off to chemistry together. The three of them were now headed to their fourth class of the day, which Luana had art; her favorite class.

"You have art with me?" Luana asked as she saw Damon walk into the classroom.

"Surprise sis." He laughed, sitting in front of her.

"I wonder what class Mila has." Luana said, playing with her pencil on the black desk.

"Room 108A?" Mila asked herself, walking down a few halls, reaching the art hallway. She then found room 108A, walking into it while reading her schedule. She looked up and gasped; Damon and Luana were in her class?

"Mila? Let me see your schedule you probably got lost." Luana said, not in a rude way since that's what she had done her first year.

"Holy crap. Mila you're in our art class." Luana said with a smile as Damon began dying of laughter.

"Oh my god. This is too good holy shit." Damon laughed, catching his breath.

"Don't make this the worst class." Mila said, sitting next to Luana since she didn't know where else to sit. The three of them had actually enjoyed their first day of having art together, before heading off to the last three classes of the day and Luana drove them home. The three of them immediately went into the kitchen, grabbing a snack before Elias and Bayley walked in from a morning training session at their gym and wrestling school.

"How was your first day back?" Bayley asked as she and Elias grabbed a bottle of water, sitting down with their kids.

"Good. But you're not gonna believe this." Luana said, as Bayley and Elias looked confused.

"What is it?" Elias asked.

"We have art together." The three of them said, Bayley and Elias laughing.

"Seriously?" Bayley asked with a laugh escaping her mouth.

"Yeah. Luana thought I was freakin lost." Mila laughed, looking at her older sister.

"Well that's usually what happens on the first day." Luana reasoned with a laugh.

"Anyways, these two morons should be glad we have art together because I make that class actually enjoyable." Damon said, shoving some chips in his mouth.

"Art's enjoyable without you in it dumbass." Luana said.

"Whatever you say." Damon said, as Luana and Damon headed out to work, and Mila went off to dance before coming home and going to sleep.

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