failed plans

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"Damon I swear to god when I see you, your ass is getting thoroughly kicked." Luana angrily told herself. The two had math class together, and he didn't show up. He came to school that day since she saw him in the halls, but now he's skipping class. She then grabbed her bag, walking down the hall as she heard many people whispering about her brother.

"Dude did you guys hear about the party this weekend?" One of Luana's friends, Crystal quietly said. Luana wasn't in the group, but she heard what her friend was saying as she hid around the corner, wanting to hear more details to try and get her brother back.

"Yeah I heard Damon had sex with like four girls from Philly." Another girl named Lauren said.

"And he was handing out weed and Xanax." Another brunette girl said, that's when Luana had heard enough.

"My brother did what?" Luana questioned, looking at the three girls as they froze.

"Luana we." Crystal started before Luana cut her off.

"No don't try and make up some shitty excuses or anything like that. Where the fuck is my brother?" She snapped.

"Luana we don't know we haven't seen him since this morning." Lauren said.

"Whatever. And if I hear you guys talking about my brother or any of my family behind my back you'll regret it." She sneered as the girls walked away.

"Clay!" Luana kept yelling for Damon's best friend down the halls. She kept walking down the halls, yelling for the tall dark headed boy before seeing him through one of the windows into the library as she practically ran in there.

"Clay?" She asked as he looked up at her from his book.

"Oh hey. What's up?" He asked, putting a bookmark on his page before setting it down on the table.

"You didn't hear me yelling for you down the halls?" She raised an eyebrow at the boy.

"Oh sorry. Kinda got lost in my book." He shrugged.

"Okay. Have you seen or heard from Damon?" She asked.

"No. I haven't really talked to him ever since he started hanging out wit Jax and Ryder. I don't wanna be around those type of guys." Clay said, wiping his glasses.

"What do you mean by 'those type of guys'? Do you know something?" Luana asked, shocked Clay would know or have any type of information on that kind of stuff. Clay was super low key and for him to know information like that was surprising.

"Yeah I think it's pretty obvious what type of boys they are. They sell and do drugs, drink their lives out, find a bunch of girls and have sex with them. That's probably what they've gotten Damon into. He's been my best friend for five years but if that's the life he wants to live I want no part of him." Clay said as Luana was shocked that Clay knew that.

"Then why don't we just get Damon back?" Luana said, sitting down next to him.

"Ha! You know how hard it is to snap someone out of that lifestyle? That's like getting me from not reading a book in a day." Clay raised an eyebrow at his best friend's twin.

"Then why don't we create a few different ways to try and snap him out of it? Something's gotta give." She sighed.

"Fine. I'll do it but if he turns his back on us, I'm not helping with anything like this again." Clay made clear as Luana nodded her head. Since they had a free period, the two came up with about five or six different plans to try and snap Damon out of this crazy lifestyle. Once Luana got home with Mila, helping her with her homework Clay walked inside before Bayley and Elias came home from training some of the people at their wrestling school.

"Hey guys. Clay what are you doing here? You know Damon's not home." Elias said. Clay and Luana didn't want their plans to fall through, but she'd feel just as guilty if she would lie to her parents about what they were doing.

"Oh yeah I know. Luana and I were gonna hang out." He said as Bayley and Elias turned to their oldest daughter for an explanation.

"Yeah we're gonna go find Damon and bring him back to being himself." Luana truthfully said, not wanting to lie to her parents.

"Do you even have an idea on where he is?" Bayley asked, not going to let her daughter and practically her second son drive around Pennsylvania to find Damon.

"Somewhere between here and Philly." Luana said, grabbing a bottle of water.

"Luana! You're not driving almost two hours or more to find Damon!" Elias raised his voice.

"Dad! I want Damon back! And I know all of you do too!" Luana said as she yelled at her father.

"Damon will learn on his own! If you go out tonight you're grounded and not going to the winter dance in two weeks." Elias made clear as Luana got pissed.

"Are you kidding me?!" She snapped.

"No I'm not. Now you can stay home or you're grounded." Elias said as Luana ran upstairs to her room. All she wanted is to get the old Damon back, but obviously that was too much to ask for.

Take Your Time (Bayley x Elias)Where stories live. Discover now