scared feelings

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"Hey." Elias quietly said as Bayley finished feeding the twins their breakfast, as they ran upstairs to Damon's room to play with their toys a few days later. Bayley really hadn't talked to Elias since their fight a few days ago. If he really wanted to play the anger game, Bayley wasn't going to deal with it.

"Hi." She quietly said to him, before checking on Mila in her bassinet.

"Is she okay?" Elias asked as Bayley walked back into the kitchen.

"Yeah. Are you?" She asked, not caring how upset he got. She needed to help him and the silent treatment wasn't helping.

"I'm not gonna talk about this." He sighed, as he went to walk out of the room, Bayley grabbed onto his wrist.

"I'm your wife and the mother of your kids. Talk to me." She whispered as a few tears slid down her cheeks.

"I can't take this anymore." He said, looking her dead in the eyes.

"Please don't talk like that. Luana, Damon and Mila need you. I need you. I can't do this without you." She said as she began crying harder as he pulled her in for a hug, holding her close to his chest.

"I'm sorry." He whispered to her, rubbing her back.

"What's happened to you? This Elias isn't the Elias I became friends with, dated, had kids with and married. I don't know this Elias and I want my Elias back." She said, voice cracking a little.

"Okay, so it's everything that's happened within the last month. You almost dying having Mila, her being born way too early and now she has breathing issues for god knows how long. I want to protect my family at all times and I felt that I couldn't protect you two, and whenever something like that happens or huge happens I shut myself out from everyone. I shouldn't have taken it out on you, and I'm sorry. I wouldn't ever try to purposely hurt you, and I'm sorry I did." He said, kissing her forehead.

"It's okay. Just please talk to me next time. I want to help you when you help me. I hate seeing you like this." She whispered, holding onto his torso.

"And I'm sorry. But, I'll help out as much as I can before I go back on the road, okay?" He asked as she nodded her head. They then sat down on the couch, Bayley snuggling up to his touch as they watched some tv while the twins played with their toys and Mila slept in her bassinet before she started crying about ten minutes later.

"I'll get her." Elias said as Bayley nodded her head, watching with a smile as Elias carefully picked up his 6 week old daughter.

"She needs her second treatment if you wanna give it to her." Bayley suggested as Elias nodded his head, walking over to the medicine cabinet, grabbing the clear tube, putting the liquid inside of it, before inserting it into the baby's mouth as she cried due to the after effects of it.

"Shh princess it's okay." He said, kissing her forehead as he tried to calm down little Mila, as she eventually quit crying. He then held Mila, as he sat back down on the couch next to his wife.

"She looks cute sleeping in your arms." Bayley softly smiled, looking down at her baby girl fast asleep in Elias's huge arms.

"She does. Little princess." Elias grinned, before kissing his wife. She was glad he finally admitted to her what the issue was, so now she could help him and they could stop fighting.

Take Your Time (Bayley x Elias)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat