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"Hey sweetheart how was dance?" Bayley asked once Elias and Mila came home. A few days later, Mila was actually thinking about taking Damon's advice and talking to Bayley and Elias on how she felt. They were her parents after all.

"It was good. All my dances are working out well." She smiled, setting her bag down before making her plate for dinner, Bayley and Elias they had actually gotten Mila to say that much, and that she was sitting down with them to eat.

"That's good. You ready for junior year in a few weeks?" Elias asked.

"Yeah. Ivy and I have all classes, so I'm glad for that." She smiled, taking a bite of her steak.

"That's good." Bayley smiled at her daughter. Once they were finished eating, Mila decided she wanted to talk to Bayley and Elias about her feelings, and not meaning to cut them off.

"Can I talk to you about something?" She asked once she set her plate in the sink, Bayley and Elias nodding their heads in approval for her to continue.

"I'm sorry for cutting you guys out since Damon moved. You guys know how I am when drastic things happen, and I talked to Damon about it the other day." She said, sitting back down.

"It's okay babygirl. We know how you get. We were just worried that it could've gotten worse." Elias said as Mila hugged him.

"But it didn't, and that's the important thing." Bayley added.

"Yeah. And you guys know Damon has a girlfriend, right?" Mila asked, still taken back that Damon had a girlfriend.

"Yeah, Emily." Bayley said.

"Damon has a girlfriend." Mila repeated.

"Weird right?" Elias chuckled.

"Yeah. But she seems nice." Mila shrugged, although she still loved to make fun of Damon. And it felt good to be back on track with her mom and dad, since Damon was right; they're all she has left.

Take Your Time (Bayley x Elias)Where stories live. Discover now