you're not the same

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6 Weeks Later

"Hey boys." Damon said, walking into Ryder's house for yet another party. Damon hadn't stopped partying, and didn't really care what people thought. He'd also gotten so out of control that he had been flushing his bipolar meds down the toilet, taking drugs before classes, skipping school and getting into even heavier drugs. He didn't give a care in the world, but the people surrounding him did and were scared something traumatic would happen to Damon, but he wouldn't listen for anything.

"Hey man what's up?" Ryder asked once Damon walked into the house, going down to the basement where everyone was.

"Nothing. But here, try this." He smirked, taking a plastic bag with cocaine and a dollar bill out of his jacket pocket, handing it to Damon.

"Here. All you gotta do is snort it." He said, getting the cocaine ready for his friend.

"Hell yeah man. Thanks." He said, snorting all the cocaine up his nose, feeling the after effects of it.

"That's the good shit bro." Damon said, looking up at Ryder.

"Yeah. Now lets go have even more fun." Ryder said, pulling his friend off the couch. Then, they all took body shots off the girls, snorting more cocaine and smoking as much weed as they could before Damon took girls upstairs and had sex with them. Once he was done, he ended up passing out in the room.

"What the fuck?" Damon cursed to himself about five hours later, seeing four naked teen girls in bed with him. He didn't remember anything of what happened. He quietly but quickly got up, rushing to get his clothes on before quietly leaving the scene. Once he got in the car, he checked the time which was 1:47am. He hoped he wouldn't wake anyone up when he got home.

"What are you two doing up?" Damon shockingly asked once he walked into the home twenty minutes later, seeing his sisters Mila and Luana awake, sitting on the couch.

"Waiting for you." Mila quietly answered.

"Where the hell have you been?!" Luana snapped, not caring how angry her twin brother got.

"Oh my god why the fuck do you care?" Damon groaned, grabbing a bottle of water. There was a scent and a look in Damon's eyes that pissed Luana off even more. The closer look she got, she could tell he was high.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" She yelled.

"What do you want Luana?!" He yelled back.

"You're fucking high!" Luana yelled, shoving her brother a bit. Mila moved to the stairs to be away from them although she could see and hear everything that was going on and she was terrified.

"Why do you fucking care?" He yelled. Bayley and Elias then woke up, rushing downstairs but stopped when they saw a terrified Mila and an angry Damon and Luana.

"Because you're not Damon! You go out, drink, smoke and fuck any girl you want to! We want Damon back!" Luana yelled, shoving Damon.

"I don't give a fuck what you want!" He yelled, shoving Luana back before she slapped him in the face.

"You'd better fucking care before I throw your trash ass out of this house." Luana sneered as she and Damon threw a few hits at each other, Bayley and Elias trying to stop them but they didn't care.

"Stop!" Mila yelled, sobbing her eyes and heart out. The whole house got quiet, Luana and Damon stopped fighting and looked at their baby sister who looked traumatized.

"Both of you stop!" She yelled as they walked closer to her.

"Don't come anywhere near me." She said, looking at Damon.

"I want the old Damon back! You're not my big brother who's actually a good person and wants to be around us and have fun! You've thrown us away! I want the old Damon back!" She sobbed, as everyone felt their hearts shatter.

"Mila." Bayley started before the black headed girl got up, running downstairs to her room.

"Up to your room. Now." Elias sneered at his son as he angrily walked upstairs, slamming his door shut.

"I'll check on her." Luana quietly said, walking downstairs and cracking open Mila's door.

"Mila?" She asked, seeing her little sister sitting on her bed, catching her breath.

"What do you want?" She groggily asked.

"He's not worth it. Calm down. I'll handle Damon." Luana tried to comfort her little sister.

"No you won't. You've been saying that for the last six months. No one can control or handle him." Mila cried.

"I'll control it. Just don't worry." Luana sighed, hugging her sister before walking upstairs. Now helping Damon wasn't a choice, it was more of a mission.

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