not worth it

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          About four days later, Damon came back to school after he had to go to many doctor appointments and getting back into therapy. The girls weren't speaking to him, and although it hurt, Damon understood why. Now, Damon was on a mission to find and talk to one specific person; his best friend Clay.

"Clay." Damon said, walking into the library to see his friend with square black glasses sitting on a bean bag, reading a book.

"Oh hey. Friend?" He questioned the last word he said before sliding a bookmark on his page, putting the book down in his bag. Damon and Clay became friends in 6th grade when Clay had moved to Pittsburgh from Baltimore. Damon saw him sitting by himself, so he sat next to him since he didn't want to look like a jerk. Damon began talking to him, making fun of him a little bit, and the two became best friends. Damon was always grateful for Clay, since he'd always put him in his place and steer him on the right direction. He was just worried that Clay wouldn't do it this time.

"Yeah I know. I've not really talked to you in a while." Damon sighed, while Clay stood up.

"Yeah. Six months?" Clay asked.

"I know." Damon sighed, looking at his friend.

"And your sister and I had many different forms of plans to come save you." Clay raised an eyebrow at his friend as Damon looked shocked.

"You did?" Damon asked.

"Yeah. We had five or six different plans. It fell through when your parents threatened to ground Luana and said you had to learn on your own." He explained.

"Geez." Damon said.

"Yeah. You do realize how much you've messed up? You're lucky I'm still talking to you and sticking by your side." Clay said, upset with what his friend had done.

"I know. Neither of my sisters are talking to me. And I'm thankful you're still my friend. I'm sorry." Damon said, looking into Clay's blue eyes.

"I wonder why. And what happened to your nose?" Clay asked, seeing the brace covering up his friend's nose.

"Luana got so heated she punched me and almost broke my nose." Damon said.

"Good. You deserve it you wimp." Clay picked on him.

"Yeah yeah I know. But are we bros?" Damon asked, not wanting to lose his closest friend.

"Bros." Clay smiled, side hugging his friend as the two walked to chemistry class together before Jax and Ryder walked up to Damon.

"What do you want?" Damon asked, since he had cut ties with the boys on Monday, not wanting to fall back into the trap of what he had been doing for six months.

"Wanna party this weekend?" They asked, knowing he couldn't.

"No. Just get out of my way." He said, as he and Clay then shoved them, walking to chemistry before Ryder said something that set Damon off.

"Hey Jax, I guess your sister breaking your nose makes you lose your man card." Ryder said loud enough for Damon to hear.

"No Damon. They're not worth it. Don't get suspended for being stupid again." Clay said, grabbing a hold of his friend as they walked away.

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