another one

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Two Months Later

"Are you two excited to find out if you're having a little brother or sister?" Bayley smiled at the twins while Elias cooked them breakfast that morning. Bayley was now 21 weeks pregnant with her and Elias's third baby, and today was the day they'd find out if the baby was a boy or girl. They were very excited for it, not caring if the baby was a boy or girl.

"Yes Mommy!" Luana enthusiastically replied.

"What do you think the baby will be?" Elias asked as he carefully set the plates down on the table.

"A girl!" Luana giggled.

"No! It's a boy sissy." Damon said, looking at Luana.

"Well whatever the baby is, I know you two will be the best big brother and big sister ever." Bayley smiled at the twins, as they finished their breakfast. They then got the twins dressed and ready for the day as they were going over to Elias's parents for a little while until Bayley and Elias got done at the doctors office. They dropped the twins off with his parents, heading over to the doctors. They were quickly settled into a room, as the doctor plopped the cold gel onto the bump, moving the doppler around to find the gender on the screen.

"It's a girl." The doctor smiled, looking at Bayley and Elias before showing the baby on the screen to where they could see the female genitalia.

"Aww we're having another baby girl." Bayley smiled at the screen, as she and Elias both had tears glazed over their eyes.

"I'm so happy it's another little girl." Elias grinned at his wife. The doctor then cleaned off Bayley's bump, as she and Elias headed out from the doctors. They then headed to his parents house, picking up the twins before they headed home.

"You two ready to find out if you're having a brother or sister?" Bayley smiled as she, Elias and the twins were in the living room, Bayley holding the pictures of the sonogram.

"Yes mommy!" Damon cheered.

"Tell us mommy!" Luana chimed in.

"You're going to have a little sister." Bayley grinned, as she and Elias showed Damon and Luana the sonogram that showed their baby girl.

"Yay a sissy!" Luana giggled.

"Yay sissy!" Damon cheered as well.

"You two are excited for a little sister?" Elias asked.

"Yeah daddy!" They both exclaimed.

"Good, you two are going to be the best older siblings for your little sister." He grinned, kissing their cheeks as they got off the couch to play with some toys.

"I know we just found out our baby is a girl, but I do wanna stick with meaningful names, and I already have one picked out." Elias said as Bayley giggled.

"Already a head of the game baby?" She asked with a smile.

"Like always," He smiled before telling her the name.

"The name I picked out is Mila Destiny. Mila means miracle and Destiny means fortune and fate. She's our little miracle as well as us getting the fortune of having another baby." He smiled at his wife.

"Awww I love it! Mila Destiny Samson. Our second little girl." She smiled as Elias kissed her.

"Good, now we just wait for her to get here to meet us and her siblings." He smiled as he kissed her again, then kissing her bump.

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