our future

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Two Months Later

"Is that everything?" She asked Elias as they packed up the moving truck before they grabbed their suitcases. They were having a truck driver take the truck to Pittsburgh as the two were flying there. They found a four bedroom home which was about a half an hour from his parents, and then fifteen minutes from his brother and sister in law's house.

"Yep. Everything's in the truck ready to go to the house. Now we just need to get to the airport to get there." He said, shutting the back of the truck.

"Yay! I'm so excited!" She cheered.

"Me too baby. You ready to go?" He asked, opening the car door on her side.

"Yeah. Peace out Orlando. See you again sometime." She laughed as she threw up the peace sign.

"You are such a dork." He laughed at her before shutting her door.

The Next Day

"The truck is at the house. You ready to go?" He asked her as they woke up. Since it was such a long drive to Pittsburgh, and the two had flown instead of driving there, they stayed in a hotel until the truck and truck driver got to Pittsburgh.

"Yeah. I'm ready to finally get in the house and get everything situated." She said, brushing her hair.

"Me too baby." He said as he held her hand and they walked out to their car and drove about forty minutes to their new house.

"We're home!" Bayley cheered.

"We are. Welcome to our forever home." He grinned as he kissed her cheek.

"I'm so excited!" She laughed.

"I am too. Now, let's get started or it's not gonna get done today. And we only have a few days to get everything unpacked and set up." He said as they stepped out of the car and started taking boxes out of the truck.

Six Hours Later

"Well, it took us a while but everything is in, and set up." Elias said, stepping back in the living room and holding Bayley close to him.

"Yeah. I thought we had more stuff but I guess we didn't." She giggled.

"It is only two of us. For now." He grinned.

"Yeah. For a few more years." She smiled back.

"I'm so happy we did this. It feels right." He said, looking at her.

"Me too. And it does. But as long as I'm with you anything feels right." She said, looking back at him.

"Same for me baby. Now we should probably get some rest. We go back on the road in two days." He said as they walked upstairs to their bedroom.

Take Your Time (Bayley x Elias)Where stories live. Discover now