break out of your shell

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Two Years Later

"Mila come here we need to get you ready to go." Bayley said, as she was in the hallway bathroom with hair ties and a brush waiting. Two years had passed, Bayley and Elias worked all their issues out and were fine now. The twins were now 6 and in 2nd grade. Luana was still playing soccer and Damon had wanted to do football, and his first game was coming up. Mila was almost 3, and Bayley and Elias were taking her to her first dance class. They've noticed her be super shy, even around the twins so they wanted her to get out and make some friends, trying to break her out of her shell.

"Mommy." She sighed.

"Baby it's going to be okay. You're going to have fun today." Bayley tried to reassure her daughter before putting her hair in a bun.

"Promise?" She whispered.

"I promise princess. Lets get you dressed so you're not late." She smiled, changing her into her pink leotard with a pink tutu on over it, grabbing her little dance bag with her shoes and other things in it.

"Look at my princess, all ready for her first dance class." Elias grinned as Bayley carried the almost three year old downstairs before they left.

"Daddy." She whispered to him as Bayley handed her to him.

"You're going to be just fine princess. It'll be so much fun like how bubby and sissy have fun at their sports." Elias comforted her.

"Alright, I think we're ready to head out. We gotta drop her off, pick Luana up from soccer practice then finish watching Damon's practice before picking her back up." Bayley laughed at their busy schedule.

"Okay. Lets go." He smiled as they then walked out and got Mila strapped into her car seat in Elias's truck before driving to the dance studio they enrolled Mila at. Twenty minutes later, they arrived at the red bricked building, two clear doors with the sign of the name of the dance studio on the front, above the doors. They then walked down the light purple hallways, going into the first room on the right, light blue painted walls with some dance decor on the walls. There had to be about 7 girls in that class with two instructors, parents dropping their daughters off so they could interact with each other.

"Okay, lets get your ballet shoes on so you can go dance baby." Bayley smiled as Elias held onto Mila while Bayley slipped on the ballet shoes onto Mila's little feet.

"Go have fun baby. It'll be okay." Bayley smiled as she could see Mila begin to get nervous.

"No mommy don't leave." Mila said, tears filling her eyes as she held onto Bayley tightly.

"Baby it's okay. You're going to have fun." Bayley said, trying to calm her down.

"No mommy! Don't leave me!" She exclaimed, crying harder.

"Princess you're going to be okay. We have to leave to get bubby and sissy. We'll be back to get you. Go have fun." Elias said, calming her down.

"We love you princess. We'll see you in an hour and a half." Bayley said as she and Elias hugged her, kissing her cheeks before they left.

"Hopefully this helps her break out of her shell." Bayley said as she and Elias drove to the park where both Damon and Luana were having their practices.

"It should. She's just not used to not being with one of us." Elias said once he parked his truck so they could finish watching the twins' practices. Luana had just finished her soccer practice when Bayley and Elias made it to the field she was at.

"Mommy! Daddy!" She grinned, running towards them.

"Sweaty hug incoming!" Elias laughed as she jumped into his arms, as she was sweaty from the practice.

"How was practice Luana?" Bayley asked with a smile as she saw how happy she was.

"So much fun!" She said, huge bright smile across her face.

"How many goals did you make today?" Elias asked, since Luana was the fastest on her team.

"Five daddy!" She said, holding five fingers up.

"Good job baby! I'm so proud of you." He grinned as he kissed her cheek as they then walked down to the football field where Damon was finishing up his practice. Then, he came over to where the three of them were as he was pretty sweaty himself.

"Hey bubs! How was practice?" Bayley grinned as she saw how dominate Damon was on the field.

"Great Mommy! I kept making the touchdowns for when I do in the games!" He said as the huge smile came across his little face.

"That's so good bub! Now we gotta get sissy from dance. Hopefully she had just as much fun at her practice like you two did." She smiled as Bayley and Elias strapped them in the truck before driving almost a half hour back to the dance studio. They walked into the room where Mila was, seeing her with a couple other girls laughing and learning a few moves.

"Mommy!" Mila giggled as she turned around and saw them since her practice was over, running towards them as she clung onto Bayley.

"Hey princess! Did you have fun?" Bayley smiled, seeing Mila so happy.

"Yes mommy! So much fun!" Mila smiled.

"Good baby. I'm so happy for you." She smiled, kissing her cheek before they left, getting the kids back into the truck before driving home.

"So now we're football, soccer and dance parents. That's a lot." Bayley laughed on the way home.

"Yeah. But it keeps them busy and they seem to have fun." Elias grinned at his wife.

"Yep. As long as they're happy, I'm happy." Bayley smiled as Elias kissed her.

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