gotta chase the dream somehow

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Two Weeks Later

"Got everything packed babygirl?" Elias asked early that Sunday morning, walking into Mila's room. Today was the day she'd be flying to New York for the six week training with Jessica Reynolds. Mila was ecstatic all around, but a little nervous to leave home for the first time for a bit of time. She was at least glad her best friend, Ivy and a few other of her dance friends would be with her.

"Yeah. It's a lot." She laughed, looking at her four large suitcases.

"Well you're gonna be gone for a month and a half. You're gonna need a lot sweetheart." Elias chuckled as he and Mila walked upstairs as she ate some breakfast, Bayley and the twins walking downstairs.

"You ready for New York baby sis?" Damon asked as he got himself something to eat.

"Yeah. It's just gonna be weird not being home for six weeks. But I'm glad I get to do this." Mila softly smiled at her older brother.

"Yeah it's gonna be weird not having you here for six weeks. But we're proud of you." Luana smiled, looking at her younger sister.

"What time is your flight?" Bayley asked, glancing at the clock which read 7:01am.

"9:15." Mila responded.

"Then you gotta get moving. You usually have to be at the airport an hour early for all the security and such." Bayley said as Mila nodded her head. She then finished getting ready, as the five of them headed out to the airport for when Mila left. The longer they waited for her flight to be called, the more nervous Mila got for leaving home for the first time.

"Mom?" Mila quietly asked.

"Yeah sweetie?" Bayley responded.

"What was it like when you left home for the first time?" She asked as Bayley could tell she was nervous just with the tone in her voice.

"Well, it's a little different for you than me. I was 22 and had no one. You're going on 13 and you're coming back, and you're with your friends. It's scary, no doubt about it. But once you get to New York with your friends and you're in the dance studio, it'll be worth it. You'll see." Bayley smiled at her youngest daughter as she nodded her head.

"Flight 125A is now boarding." The announcer said through the intercom at the airport about less then fifteen minutes later, as that was Mila's flight.

"Welp, that's my flight." Mila said as they all stood up, as she saw her best friend Ivy and her mom walk over to them so they could board the flight together.

"Mila, please be safe. And stay with your friends and Ivy's mom at all times when you're not in the studio." Elias made clear.

"Will do." She lightly laughed and nodded.

"And have fun. You never get the same opportunity twice. Be safe, have fun. We love you." Bayley smiled with a few tears in her eyes as Mila hugged her parents before moving to her siblings.

"Damon, don't do all the pranks without me." Mila laughed as Damon did as well.

"I won't. Have fun baby sis. I'll miss pranking ya for six weeks." Damon laughed as he hugged his little sister.

"Keep Damon in check sis?" Mila laughed as Luana did the same.

"Will do. But you go live one of your dreams and come back the same goofy Mila." Luana said as she hugged her.

"Alright. Well I'll see you guys in six weeks." She smiled, giving her family one last group hug before beginning to walk to the boarding area.

"Mila?" Luana called.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"You forgot a suitcase." Luana laughed as Mila groaned.

"You're bringing four suitcases?" Ivy asked.

"Yeah? We're gonna be gone for six weeks I needed to make sure I have enough dude." Mila laughed at her friend.

"You do realize we're also gonna go shopping while in New York, right?" Ivy asked as Mila threw her head back and groaned.

"Let's just go before we miss our plane." Mila said as everyone laughed. She then turned around one last time, waving her family goodbye as she got onto the plane, and the four of them headed home.

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