both of you

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"Mommy!" The twins cheered two days later as Bayley picked them up from school. Once she picked them up, she was meeting Elias in the parking lot of a grocery store near his apartment as he was taking all three kids for the next two days. It was really hurting Bayley since this would be the first time in a long time without all three kids with her, but she understood that they also needed time with their dad.

"Hey little nuggets! How was school today?" She asked as she carried Mila and held their hands as they walked to the car.

"So much fun!" They both smiled. Damon loved school right off the bat and was extremely outgoing and talked to everyone. It took Luana a few weeks to warm up to it, but was better that now she had a couple friends.

"That's great babies! But, we're not going home." She said, looking back at them from the rear view mirror.

"Why mommy?" Damon asked.

"You three are going to daddy's place for two days while he's home from wrestling. Daddy doesn't live with us right now and he wants to see you guys before he goes back on the road babies." She said as they looked confused. They knew Elias wasn't living with them, but obviously didn't know why since they couldn't understand as four and a half year olds.

"When will we see you again mommy?" Luana asked.

"Friday after school love bug." She reassured her oldest daughter as she nodded her head. She then pulled into the parking lot of the grocery store, seeing Elias's charcoal grey truck parked as he was waiting inside of it. Once he saw Bayley, he hopped out and waited for her to get the kids out.

"Hey." He said as she got the kids' stuff out of the trunk.

"Hey. This is their clothes, and in Mila's diaper bag has six treatments for her to take while she's at your place." She said, handing him the three bags before getting the twins and Mila out.

"Daddy!" Luana and Damon grinned.

"Hey munchkins. I missed you guys so much." He grinned, hugging them as Bayley carefully handed Mila over to Elias.

"Okay guys you gotta say bye to mommy." Elias said, as Bayley kissed Mila's cheek and hugged Damon. Luana, was not ready to leave.

"No mommy! Don't leave me please!" She begged as Bayley picked her up from the concrete below her.

"It's okay love bug. You're gonna see mommy on Friday after school. You're with daddy, bubby and sissy it's okay." She said, kissing her cheek while Elias watched on, while strapping Damon and Mila in their car seats.

"I don't wanna leave without you mommy. I don't wanna go I want you and daddy." Luana began sobbing.

"Shh baby shh. It's okay. It may not be like this forever. But I promise you'll be okay princess." Bayley tried to reassure her daughter as Elias walked over to them.

"Baby what's wrong?" Elias asked little Luana.

"I don't wanna go without mommy. I want both of you." She sobbed as Bayley and Elias looked up at each other; eye contact speaking more than words could.

"It's okay princess. You'll be just fine with me. Mommy isn't going anywhere you'll see her in a couple days." Elias tried to comfort her as Bayley still held her, as she calmed down.

"Mommy will see you Friday babygirl. Be good for daddy I love you, okay?" Bayley reassured Luana once she had settled down a few minutes later.

"I love you mommy." Luana said as Bayley kissed her cheek, handing her to Elias as she waved the kids goodbye before heading into her car, she and Elias not speaking another word. It was weird, and Bayley just wanted an answer on where they stood; married or heading for divorce.

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