sick of you

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About three weeks had passed, and Damon's anger had only gotten worse. He had completely shut everyone out from his best friends Clay and Zack, to Bayley, Elias, and his sisters. Luana hadn't given up on trying to figure out what was wrong with him, even though they got into a fist fight the previous week and were grounded for the weekend. She just wanted to help, but Damon didn't seem to either care or understand.

"Damon?" Bayley asked, wanting to try and talk to her son once he got home from football practice.

"No." He said, going upstairs.

"Damon! Stop shutting us out!" Luana yelled, going into her brothers room.

"Leave me the fuck alone!" Damon yelled at her.

"No! All I want to do is help you! Why won't you let me help you?" Luana yelled back.

"I don't want your help!" He yelled.

"You don't have to want it, you need it!" She yelled, shoving him since she was so mad.

"Guys stop." Mila tried to get involved since she hated when her siblings yelled although they ignored her.

"I don't need any of you." Damon sneered.

"Guys." Mila tried to plead.

"Yes you do, we're your family." Luana said as the two were in each other's faces.

"Guys stop!" Mila tried to yell as that set Damon off.

"Get out of my room!" Damon yelled, as Bayley and Elias heard the commotion between their kids before walking upstairs.

"Not until you two stop fighting." Mila said.

"What's going on?" Elias yelled before Damon went off on all of them.

"You know what? All of you get out! Get the hell out of my room! I want to be left alone! I hate all of you! Every single one of you!" He yelled as he slammed his door shut and locked it. He then sat down on his bed, wondering what the hell is wrong with him?

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