leave her be

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"Okay. You signed all your paperwork so we can go upstairs and see Mila love." Elias said. Two days later, Bayley was getting discharged from the hospital after having Mila, but it was really crushing her that she couldn't bring Mila home with her and Elias. Elias was trying his best to stay strong for her, but it hurt seeing his wife and newborn daughter like this.

"Okay." She quietly said, making sure they had all of their stuff before they had to use a wheel chair for Bayley to get upstairs in the elevator since she had her c section and it was hospital rules. They then made their way down the hall and into the area where all the premature babies were, finding Mila hooked up to some machines to help with her breathing. A nurse then carefully picked Mila out of her cot, and placing her in Bayley's arms so she could hold her daughter and she and Elias could see her for a little bit before they left.

"Hi princess." Bayley smiled as she held her daughter, as Mila had her little hand wrapped around Bayley's finger.

"I don't wanna leave you babygirl." Bayley sighed, looking down at Mila before looking up at Elias, tears glazing over her eyes.

"It's hard baby. I know. We still have about another hour before we have to leave." He said, as Bayley carefully handed Mila over to Elias so he could hold her for a bit before they left. It was really hurting Bayley with the closer their time with Mila ran out before they had to leave. God, she'd do anything to bring home her baby with her and Elias, but unfortunately she couldn't do anything about it.

"Okay princess, mommy and daddy will see you tomorrow. Daddy loves you so much." Elias half smiled down at Mila, her big brown eyes looking up at him before he kissed her little forehead. As Bayley held Mila one last time until the next day, she couldn't help the tears that slipped down her tan skinned cheeks.

"I'm gonna miss you so much princess. Daddy and I will be back tomorrow with your big brother and sister. I love you so much baby." Bayley whispered, trying to wipe away her tears with her hoodie sleeve before kissing Mila's cheek as the nurse placed Mila back in her cot. She was then wheeled out to her and Elias's car, as he helped her into the car, putting her stuff in the backseat, getting into the drivers seat as he noticed her crying harder.

"I know baby. It hurts I know." He said, carefully holding her as she began sobbing. He held her for a few minutes before she quieted down, and they began the drive home.

"I just want Mila. I want her to be with us so we can finally be whole. Us five." Bayley said, wiping away a few tears.

"I know sweetheart. I want her to be with us too. We'll get to see her everyday for the rest of the week, and Friday will be here sooner than you think. They're going to take care of her and make sure she's okay." Elias comforted her as he held her hand as they arrived at their home.

"Let me help you up to our room so you can get some rest babygirl." Elias said as he helped her in the house. His parents were keeping the kids until the next day so he and Bayley could get home and rest a little from all that's happened.

"Okay." She whispered, softly smiling at him as he kissed her, before he carefully and slowly helped her upstairs and led her into their bedroom as she carefully laid down as he did the same, falling asleep together.

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