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"You doing anything tomorrow?" Jordan asked a few weeks later once they had a break. He and Mila had been really hitting it off very well, becoming super close friends. They both felt romantic feelings for each other, but didn't want to rush into anything, and Mila also was hoping on the inside Jordan would reveal his feelings first so she wouldn't get hurt, not knowing he felt the same back.

"Nope. Just gonna chill out at my brother's while he and his girlfriend are at the studio." She said, taking a drink of water.

"Well, why don't we go out for lunch together? We don't need to just hang out in the studio when you're not that far from me. There's a little cafe about fifteen minutes away from me and I can pick you up. Sound like a plan?" He asked.

"Yes. Sounds like a fun plan." She giggled. Mila was ecstatic to go to lunch with Jordan, even if they were just going as friends. She immediately told Damon and Emily, Emily extremely excited for this girl who was basically her little sister; Damon happy for her but giving her some rules as she more than understood them. The next day, Damon and Emily were at the studio while Mila got ready for her lunch with Jordan. She straightened her hair a little since it was naturally very straight, putting on a little mascara before getting dressed in a cropped light pink tank top with lace at the bottom, ripped light blue denim shorts and some tan colored sandals. She pulled her phone off the charger once she heard a knock at the door, which was Jordan.

"You look beautiful." He grinned, admiring the way she looked.

"I didn't even dress up. But thank you." She giggled as he opened up his car door for her, making sure she got in carefully before he got in the drivers seat, the two talking the whole fifteen minute drive to the cafe. The two sat down outside, ordering their lunch as Jordan decided to bring up how he felt.

"Can I admit something to you?" He asked as she took a sip of her strawberry smoothie.

"Of course. We're practically best friends I don't see why not." She smiled with a shrug.

"Well, okay. I really, really like you. To be completely honest, even though I didn't know you when we shot the music video, I thought you were incredible and so gorgeous. I'm so fortunate to have gotten to know you within the last month and a half, and I can't let you go. You are the most gorgeous, caring, sweet, loving person I've ever met and I can't lose you, and I have huge feelings for you that run deeper than you could imagine. I really really like you Mila. I want to be your boyfriend, your everything. Would you like to be my girlfriend?" He said, pouring his heart out to her as she had a few tears glazing over her eyes at all he said, and she was relieved he felt the same as her.

"I would love to be your girlfriend. And you really feel that way about me?" She asked, still taken back that a guy would think of her so highly.

"Of course. I'm not going to lie to you. If I didn't mean that, I wouldn't have said it." He said, caressing her cheek with his thumb.

"Good. I can't wait to spend the rest of summer with you." She grinned at him.

"Me too. But we need to eat before our food gets cold. And I need to get you back to your brother's house before he gets home so he doesn't freak out." He said as the two laughed, taking many pictures together as they walked around LA together before he drove her back to Damon's.

"He asked you out?!" Emily squealed with delight once Mila told her, the two giggling and hugging each other.

"Okay you two have girled out enough over her relationship. Take it down a notch." Damon joked, laughing at his girlfriend and sister.

"Hey I didn't have anyone to girl out with when I started dating you." Emily said, before Mila heard her phone ringing, seeing Elias's contact name in her phone pop up as she quickly answered, happy to talk to her dad.

"Hey dad!" She grinned, answering the phone.

"Hi honey. Are you doing okay?" He asked.

"Yes I'm great! I love LA! Dance is great, I've made some friends." She smiled.

"And more than friends." He said. He saw the photos Mila and Jordan had posted about each other on their Instagrams as he was concerned.

"Kinda yea." She shrugged with a giggle.

"You know how I am about boys, Mila." He said, getting protective.

"Dad it's fine. We actually met when I did the music video for Chris Brown a few years ago. Jordan goes to my dance studio and we've been hitting it off really well. You'll like him." She tried to convince her dad.

"Just be careful, please?" He asked.

"I will dad." She said.

"Okay. I'll text you later but I love you." He said.

"I love you too dad." She smiled, hanging up the phone knowing that Elias was just being protective.

"What's wrong?" Bayley asked back at their home in Pittsburgh.

"Our daughter has a boyfriend." He said, looking at his wife.

"Aww that's great." She grinned as Elias grew confused.

"Elias, she's almost seventeen. Boys are in her now time, not future. She's almost an adult. It's out of both of our hands. All we can ask is that he treats her right, and from what she's said, he's doing that." Bayley said, knowing Elias couldn't believe that his kids were basically grown up.

"I know. It's just that my kids are now grown or growing up, in relationships and starting families. It feels like yesterday they were all here, waiting for me to come home. Now they're gone." He said. Of course he knew it was life, he just wasn't used to not having the kids around. It definitely was an adjustment.

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