even playing field

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Five Weeks Later

"I'm so excited!" Bayley squealed as she and Elias parked outside of the doctors office. She was now 20 weeks along today, and they're going to find out the genders of the twins. They were both really excited to find out what they were having, then to have the gender reveal party with their family and friends.

"I'm excited too baby. Lets go see our little babes." He smiled as he kissed her cheek and they walked inside. A few minutes later she was called back into the office as she pulled her shirt to reveal her ever growing bump, then the doctor put the cold gel on the bump and started moving the wand around to see the twins.

"Baby number one looks like a little boy." The doctor said as Bayley and Elias looked at each other, grinning from ear to ear.

"Then baby number two looks like a little girl. Congratulations." The doctor smiled before getting Bayley all cleaned up.

"We're having a little boy and little girl. I'm so excited and I can't wait to meet them!" Bayley grinned as she placed a hand on her bump.

"I can't wait either. It's an even playing field."
Elias laughed as he placed his hand on her bump and kissed her.


            Two weeks later, Bayley and Elias were having the gender reveal party at their house now that all their family and friends were in town. The two were so excited for the party, and couldn't wait to reveal the babies' genders to their family and friends.

"Okay. So, the time has come to find out the genders of our twins." Elias said, getting everyone's attention.

"So, here is one guitar filled with confetti with what color or colors of the genders of the babies. We have a sledgehammer to break through it because apparently a stick isn't good enough." Bayley continued as they laughed.

"Ready?" Elias asked.

"One, two, three!" They cheered before smashing the guitar and the pink and blue confetti poured all over the place as everyone cheered.

"They're a boy and a girl!" They cheered as they laughed and kissed. Then, Sasha, Dean, Mella and Corey came up to them.

"Mom and dad are having a boy and a girl!" Sasha teased them as they all laughed.

"We are!" Bayley laughed as she hugged her friend.

"I'm so excited for you guys! I can't wait to spoil my niece and nephew!" Sasha said, grinning.

"Me either! You're already a little over halfway through the pregnancy." Mella said.

"I know! It's gone by really fast. Well, unless it's an emotional moment then those don't go by fast." Bayley laughed.

"Well, we're all very happy for you two." Corey added.

"Thanks guys. I think they're excited to meet you guys too." Bayley smiled as she placed a hand on her bump as she felt the babies kicking.

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