i'm just trying to help

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Three weeks had passed now that Bayley, Elias and the kids were home from WrestleMania week. They had a lot of fun at NXT Takeover and then at WrestleMania. They were also glad that when they got back they were on spring break so Elias and Bayley took them on a trip to Arizona for the week before coming back to Pittsburgh. They were glad to be back home, and the kids were glad to be almost done with school. Damon had just finished his baseball season two weeks after coming back, his team finishing 3rd place in the state. Mila also had her spring showcase the weekend after they got out of school. Luana was getting ready for her summer volleyball camps.

"What is that?" Luana asked, as she heard someone rapping and loud music upstairs. She knew Damon was home, but didn't think anything of it. She then walked upstairs, hearing the music and rapping get louder. She quietly opened the door to Damon's room, seeing him look at some lyrics and rap them. He was unbelievably talented at it.

"Holy shit sis. You scared me." Damon said, quickly pausing his music as he jumped when he barely saw her open the door.

"Sorry bro. I heard loud music and rapping from downstairs, and I walked up here to see you rapping. You're so talented." She smiled at her twin.

"Oh, uh thanks." He said, his face turning red. He definitely didn't want anyone hearing him rap. He'd been doing it since he listened to NF, but made sure no one was home or would take walks and rap.

"You should totally perform! The school talent show is coming up and all you gotta do is sign your name down." Luana grinned, hoping to help her brother.

"Nah, I'm good. Thanks anyway." He shrugged it off. He'd love to rap on a stage, but he was way too nervous and just started. He also didn't want to do it in front of the whole school and get judged for it.

"Bro come on! You have too! It'll be so cool!" Luana tried to push her brother.

"Luana no! I don't want too!" He said, getting a little annoyed with her.

"Dude why not? You're so incredible!" She asked.

"What if I were to mess up? I'll be judged by everyone at school." He said, as Luana understood where he was coming from.

"That's when you tell them to fuck off Dame. If you don't sign your name, I will. I want you to do this. I know it makes you happy. All I want is for you to be happy and you're so ridiculously amazing at this. Don't let it go to waste." She said, as Damon knew she was right.

"Fine. I'll sign my name up and do the talent show. But if I mess up it's on you sis." Damon made clear.

"Fair enough. Everyone's gonna love it though." She smiled as she walked out of the navy blue painted room. Damon knew that Luana was right, but was more terrified of messing up. Now, it was grind time.

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