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December| Four Months Later

A lot has happened within four months. They all met Damon's girlfriend of the last five months, Emily. She was very tall, tan, long loose curly blonde hair, green eyes, total sweetheart. They all got the vibe that Damon and Emily were it for each other, and were very happy for them. Also, even more big things were happening since Garrett and Luana just found out right before Thanksgiving they were going to have their first baby, although they'd only be 19. She was due on June 2nd. They were all excited for the newest addition to the family. Now, it was Mila's winter showcase, and it'd actually be the first time Emily had seen Mila perform. Mila always put on a certain amount of pressure on herself for these showcases, but really wanted to impress tonight as she had 5 dances, mainly opening and being in the middle of the show. She had four contemporary and one hip hop. She was very excited.

"Good luck sis." Luana smiled, hugging her younger sister.

"Thank you." She softly smiled.

"You're gonna kill it. It's your night show them what you're made of." Damon grinned.

"Thanks. I'll see you guys in like ten minutes." Mila grinned as they went to their seats, Mila practicing her dance one last time before heading onto the stage. She was now three dances in, about to perform her hip hop one before having her last dance, a contemporary one within a half hour. She hit the stage, letting the music run through her veins. She was about halfway through her dance, going for an aerial. Once she landed the aerial, she landed wrong and felt something crack in her foot, tumbling to the ground. Off of instinct, she got up and tried to continue the dance, feeling yet another crack in her right foot, landing on the ground awkwardly, not being able to get back up.

"We gotta get down there she can't get up." Damon said, worried about his little sister as all six of them rushed down to the stage as she was crying.

"Here." Emily said, letting Mila squeeze onto her hand since she was in so much pain.

"This hurts so bad." Mila said through her tears.

"I know honey. We're gonna help you out to the car to take you to the hospital, okay?" Elias asked as she nodded her head. Damon, Elias, Garrett and Emily then helped her up, the crowd applauding her for standing back up, even if she was using three people as a crutch. The boys then carefully helped Mila get into the car, rushing her to the hospital.

"Why did this happen to me?" Mila cried.

"I don't know baby. It happens to everyone who's in a sport." Elias said, looking back at her from the rear view mirror.

"It just sucks. I didn't even get to do all my dances." She sighed.

"You still did good sweetheart. You did good in all your dances, and you didn't stop. That's the important thing." Bayley sympathetically smiled at her youngest daughter. Then, they all met Luana, Garrett, Damon and Emily in the ER, where Mila was quickly put into a room.

"Alright. We're gonna take you back for some x rays to see what the damage is, if you'll need surgery and a time frame for recovery." The nurse said, as Mila looked around at everyone.

"It'll be okay. Wether it's good or bad everything will be okay girly." Emily smiled, hugging Mila.

"Thanks." She quietly said as the nurse helped Mila to the x ray room. Less than a half hour later, the nurse helped Mila back into the room while the doctor looked at the x rays.

"The stupid machine kept pressing down on my foot." She angrily sighed, looking at her now badly bruised and swollen foot.

"Yeah. That's how it felt when Luana fractured my nose two years ago." Damon said.

"I just want this to be done and over with so I can go back to dance." She sighed.

"Honey you may not be able to dance for a while. You don't know the extent of the injury or if you need surgery." Elias said as Mila grew more upset.

"I better not." She groaned as the doctor walked in.

"Okay, so from what the x rays show, you broke your foot in two separate places. One by your ankle and right above your toes since you said you continued to try to finish the dance. You won't need surgery, but will need at least ten to twelve weeks to recover. Once you're in your second week, you will need to go to physical therapy for about three to four times a week." The doctor informed as Mila felt her heart sink.

"When will I be able to dance again?" She asked, since that was all she cared about.

"Once you hit about ten weeks post injury, you'll have to do a physically grueling test to see if your foot is all healed. If it is, you're cleared to dance. It all depends on how long it takes your foot to heal." He informed as Mila was very upset and angered. They put the cast on her foot, giving her some crutches as they made their way home. They all helped Mila into the house, as she was glad they were helping her, but angered she couldn't do anything on her own. The minute she sat down, she used her left foot and leg to kick the crutches away.

"Honey calm down. It's only ten weeks." Elias said, doing his best to make her feel better.

"Only ten weeks?! Ten weeks is like ten years for me!" She exclaimed.

"It's not the end of the world. You can dance again just give your foot time to heal." Elias said as she sighed. Then, since she got hungry she tried to get up, not wanting to use the crutches.

"Sis you gotta use the crutches." Damon said, not wanting her to get any worse.

"Don't tell me what I need to use." She rolled her eyes, hopping to the kitchen. When she went to grab a snack, she ended up slipping and falling to the ground as she sighed.

"Fine give me the stupid crutches." She sighed as Emily helped her up, Damon getting her the grey and silver crutches as she used them around the kitchen. This definitely wasn't what she would've imagined being like for her winter break.

Take Your Time (Bayley x Elias)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя