the hollywood star

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"Today's the day." Damon whispered to himself three weeks later. That Sunday morning, he was moving out to Los Angeles to pursue his music dreams. He, Luana and Mila had been hanging out a lot too since he'd be practically across the country. He then got up, walking downstairs as Mila, Bayley and Elias were awake. Luana would be meeting them at the airport that morning.

"Got everything packed so you're ready to go in an hour?" Bayley asked her son.

"Yeah. Got everything I need in my three suitcases and they're all packed and zipped." He said, getting a bowl of cereal.

"Good. Just be ready in an hour so you don't miss your flight." Bayley softly smiled at her son as he nodded his head. He then ate his breakfast, taking a quick shower before it was time to go. He did a little reminiscing in his room, and on the drive to the airport, not knowing how soon it'd be till he came back. He got through all the security as they met Luana where they'd be sitting, waiting for his flight.

"When do you sign onto Ryan's team?" Luana asked instead of them sitting silence for the next forty five minutes.

"Tuesday. Basically I get into LA and go straight to the studio." Damon said, already shocked at his busy schedule.

"How many hours will you be in the studio?" Mila asked.

"Depends. Could be only two or three, or it could be between eight and ten. Depends on the amount of music and the style I want it to be." He explained. The five of them talked about everything, reminiscing on old memories, saying how proud they were of him as Mila had already began crying and it wasn't even time for him to leave, until another twenty minutes later.

"Flying 2457B to Los Angeles is boarding now." The intercom repeated.

"That's my flight." Damon said, reality sinking in for him, as he began to get tears in his eyes. He got ahold of his suitcases, before he hugged his family.

"Don't go too Hollywood on us Dame." Luana joked as they were all crying.

"I won't." He said, hugging his twin. Then, Mila began sobbing as she hugged Damon the tightest.

"Can I FaceTime you?" Mila asked through her tears.

"Yes baby sis. I'll text you when I land so nothing happens while I'm on the plane. As soon as I land and get to my apartment you can FaceTime me for as long as you want." He said, as she nodded her head. He then hugged Bayley and Elias as he had one last question before he left.

"Mom?" He asked, tears running down his face, very not Damon like.

"Yeah Damon?" She asked.

"Is this how you felt when you left?" Damon asked, referring to when she moved from San Jose to Orlando for NXT and WWE as she nodded her head.

"Alright. Well I gotta go and do this dream. Just like I've said for five years." Damon sniffled.

"I love you guys." He said, giving them one last group hug as they did the same. He took a deep breath, grabbing a hold of his luggage. As he walked down the ramp, he turned around waving them goodbye as they did the same.

"They're gone." Mila whispered to herself, as she was now all alone in the house. No Damon. No Luana. Just her, Bayley and Elias. This definitely wasn't going to be something easy.

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