injured hearts

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Monday Night Raw

"Are you and Elias all settled in now?" Sasha asked as she and Bayley were getting ready for the show. It had only been a week since Bayley and Elias had moved into their new home, but they were so happy they did, and were relieved that everything was unpacked and settled in.

"Yeah. I thought we had more stuff than we did so we got everything unpacked and set up in the same day. Then we just relaxed and enjoyed some time together before heading back on the road." She said.

"That's good. How are you liking Pittsburgh so far?"

"I love it. Mella and Corey are only about ten minutes away from us, and we're close to his family which is nice especially if there was an emergency or something." She smiled again.

"That's really good. I'm happy for you Bay. You deserve the happiness you have." Sasha grinned before hugging her friend.

"Thanks Sash. Do you have a match tonight?"
She asked.

"I think it's Dana and I against Alicia and Alexa. Who do you have tonight?"

"Nia and I have a match. I think we're after Seth and Dean's promo. So we're second."
Bayley said as she and Sasha walked out of the locker room to find Elias and Dean.

"There's my girl." Elias grinned as Bayley came in his sight.

"There's my man." She teased back as he wrapped an arm around her and kissed her.

"Do you have a match tonight?" He asked.

"Yeah. Nia and I are on second. Do you have a match?" She asked.

"Yeah. It's Finn and I but that feud is ending since they wanna do him and Bray." He shrugged.

"At least you have a match." She smiled.

"Yeah. You ready to go to gorilla?" He asked, looking at the time realizing it was getting closer to her match.

"Yeah. Lets go." She smiled as he took her hand and they walked down a few hallways to get to gorilla.

"Be safe. You know I'll be right here. I love you." He said as he kissed her cheek as her music went off.

"I will and I love you. See you in a few." She smiled before walking out to the crowd. Bayley and Nia were having a great match, until Nia slammed Bayley into the mat. She landed right shoulder first as she bounced off the mat and rolled out to ringside.

"Shit. That doesn't look good." Elias whispered as Sasha stood next to him, watching the match.

"She's hurt." Elias said, taking notice the way she had the look of pain written on her face, clutching her shoulder.

"She's hurt bad." Sasha whispered. Bayley still got up and got back in the ring and continued to wrestle Nia.

"That's my girl. Pushing through the pain." Elias whispered to himself.

"I swear she never stops no matter what." Sasha said. Bayley ended up finishing the match, still clutching her right shoulder. She won, but it was off of pure adrenaline. Once she got to the back, all the adrenaline wore off, and she was crying.

"Baby, come on. Lets get you to medical." Elias said as he was careful with the way he touched her because of her shoulder.

"It hurts so bad." She cried out.

"I know baby. Lets get you checked out." He said as he sat her down on the bed.

"Unfortunately, your shoulder is so swollen I can't tell the exact injury or the extent of it. Go home, wait about a day or two to get an MRI, then we can tell you the injury, the time you'll need to recover and rehab." The doctor said. He then left giving Bayley and Elias a little privacy.

"It's okay baby. We're gonna get you better." He said as he rubbed her back as she cried.

"This sucks. I was so close to getting the title back, and now it's ripped away from me." She sobbed.

"You're gonna get another chance at the title. You didn't let this slip through your fingers. It was just a freak accident. You will get better in no time. You're an Iron Woman for god's sake." He comforted her as the last sentence made her laugh a little.

"There's that beautiful smile that I love." He said, kissing her.

"I just wanna go home." She said.

"We're gonna get you home. Just go get cleaned up and I'll meet you in fifteen to get home." He said as he helped her to the locker room. His heart broke for her. She was doing so well, and then everything was ripped away from her. He just hoped it wasn't a terribly serious injury or that she needed surgery.

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