one last time

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"Mila." Damon said, shaking her a little bit that Saturday morning two weeks later. Mila was still shocked that she was basically by herself since Luana had already moved out, and Damon was going to be moving across the country. But, Luana and Damon had planned a secret siblings day to have before he moved out.

"Hey jazzy feet wake up!" He said hitting her with a pillow.

"Damon! It's ten in the morning you don't wake up till noon. What?" She groggily asked, looking at the time on her phone.

"Get up. You, Luana and I are gonna go to Kennywood today for a sibs day." He said, hitting her another time with a pillow.

"Stop it! And you know I'm terrified of roller coasters." She groaned, pulling the grey comforter off her body.

"That's the point. I'm getting you over your fear before I leave. And we couldn't think of anything else to do. It's sunny and it's not deathly hot. We'll be fine and have fun." He said.

"Fine. But if I die, you're paying for my funeral." She said, as the two walked upstairs.

"Fair enough. But you're not gonna die." He said, as they ate their breakfast before getting ready. Then, they drove to pick up Luana as the three of them headed out to the amusement park. They enjoyed themselves, forcing Mila on a majority of the roller coasters as she actually had fun and was getting over her fear. They ate some lunch, riding the rest of the rides before they came across the last one; The Black Widow. It was where you sit on the seat on the windmill, as you swung up and down, going 146 feet in the air as it also had you upside down a few times. Both Damon and Luana knew Mila wouldn't go on it, but they were gonna force her anyways. She didn't have a choice.

"Why are we walking to the Black Widow?" Mila terrifyingly asked.

"We're gonna ride it." Luana said as they waited in line, as it wasn't very long.

"Uh I'm not riding it." Mila said, looking at her siblings as if they were stupid or high.

"Yes you are. Sit down." Damon said as the three of them walked to where they were seated, strapping themselves on.

"I swear to god I'm going to kill you two." Mila said once they were strapped on.

"No you won't." Luana said.

"You love us." Damon added as Mila rolled her eyes.

"I'm gonna die." Mila began to panic once they started going up in the air.

"No you won't!" Damon exclaimed as she panicked the higher they got.

"Damon!" She yelled as they went upside down, as she screamed on the rest of the ride. Once they got off, she immediately went to get a sprite.

"See you lived." Damon said that night as the three of them walked to his car.

"And you should be grateful I did. Or my ghost would haunt you." Mila said, strapping herself in.

"Round two tomorrow?" Luana laughed, looking at her little sister.

"Yeah." She playfully sighed before laughing.

Take Your Time (Bayley x Elias)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin