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"Damon?" Bayley asked once her son woke up on that Monday morning and walked downstairs since he was still suspended from school.

"Yeah mom?" He asked, turning around.

"When you're done eating breakfast can you get dressed because your dad and I are gonna take you out to talk?" She asked, although she was lying.

"Sure." He shrugged before making a bowl of cereal. Bayley and Elias were actually going to take Damon to the hospital to get tested and see what was going on with him. But, if they told him the truth then he more than likely wouldn't go. Ten minutes later once he was finished getting ready, he walked downstairs where Bayley and Elias were waiting.

"You ready to go bud?" Bayley asked with a smile.

"Yeah." He said before the three headed out to the car, pulling out of the driveway. They then drove about half an hour, then Damon got confused when he saw a hospital in sight.

"Why are we at a hospital?" Damon asked, confused and getting a little angered.

"Damon, we're at a hospital so we can figure out what's wrong with you. This Damon, the one who shuts us out, fights everyone at school and is always angry isn't our Damon. We're helping you." Elias said as Damon groaned, parking the car before walking into the main entrance of the hospital. They sat in the waiting area in the behavioral health area, before his name was called and they made their way back to the room. Damon then talked to one of the nurses about what was going on before he was taken back for testing. That's when Elias's mom brought Luana to the room so she could be there for support for her brother. Almost fifteen minutes later, Damon came back from his testing as he was shocked to see his sister there.

"Sis you have school. What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I'm your twin. What you go through, I go through. Plus I was worried about you and couldn't really concentrate anyways." She laughed.

"Well, thanks for messing up your perfect attendance record for me." He picked on her as she laughed.

"I would say you owe me one, but I'll let it slide." She laughed before the doctor came in with the results.

"Okay, so the results of all the tests show no signs of depression or anxiety. But, it came back positive for the bipolar disorder. Basically, it's where your emotions are up and down all the time. It's gonna feel like the inside of you is a roller coaster of emotions and you can't control it." The doctor explained as everyone felt their hearts sink. Damon was bipolar.

"Is there any way how he can kind of control it with therapy or medications?" Bayley asked.

"Yeah, there's a medication we're going to prescribe for him. But, at first you're not going to feel anything. It's going to be frustrating but it's just your body getting used to the medications trying to help keep your emotions in check. After the first thirty days his emotions should be better, but he will still have his breakdowns, that's normal with this disorder." The doctor informed them as they nodded their heads. Damon looked like he was about to punch a wall and breakdown at the same time.

"Damon?" Bayley asked as they walked out of the hospital. He hasn't said a word since he was diagnosed.

"I need to take a walk for a sec." He said, walking away from the three of them, but Luana followed him.

"Dame, it's okay bro." Luana said, placing a hand on his shoulder as he turned around and began crying; something he usually never does.

"Why am I such a fuck up Ana? Why?" He cried into her shoulder.

"Damon, you're not a fuck up by any means. You're just different, and that's a good thing. Everyone is different in their own way. Just embrace it. Nothing's gonna stop you, not even this. You'll be okay. I promise." She said as she hugged her twin.

"I will?" He asked, looking at her with a tear stained face and his eyes strawberry red.

"Yeah. And I'll help you. That's what siblings are for bro." She smiled as she side hugged him.

"Okay. Just don't tell anyone about me. I don't want people to know. I only told Clay." Damon said with a little bit of a staggered breath from crying.

"That's fine. But we need to calm you down and you need to chill." She said as they walked back to the car as he nodded his head. Luana was very worried about her twin, but was gonna do everything she could to help him and make sure he was okay and didn't do anything drastic. That's her job as his twin.

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