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"Hey munchkins!" Bayley grinned that Friday afternoon as she and Elias were trading the kids off, as she now had them until the following Wednesday. Being without the three kids for two days was really weird and strange for her. The house was way too quiet for her and she began to think about the "what ifs?" if her and Elias got divorced and had to deal with this for the next 18 years.

"Mommy!" Damon and Luana cheered, giving Bayley huge hugs as she kissed their cheeks.

"I missed you guys so much!" She grinned, not letting go of their hugs, but then they said goodbye to Elias as he handed Mila to Bayley.

"Mama!" Baby Mila giggled.

"Yes princess, mama. Mama's here." Bayley grinned, kissing the top of her head as she baby babbled.

"How were they?" Bayley asked.

"Overall good besides for some reason Damon got really angry at Luana for using some crayons and hit her. But I got it under control and they're fine now." Elias informed her, as that wasn't like Damon at all.

"That's really weird. Did Mila take her treatments okay for you?" Bayley asked, just wanting to make sure nothing or no one was out of order.

"Yep. She took them with no problems. Now, can we talk about where we stand?" He asked.

"It's pretty clear. Either we work on each other and stay together, or we get divorced." She simply stated.

"Yeah, but I don't want us to get divorced and throw everything away that we have together." Elias said.

"Well then maybe you shouldn't have drank too much and had sex with whatever UK chick you did." Bayley fired back, as Elias knew where she was coming from.

"I know. And I regret it. But I can't lose my family." Elias said, looking into her eyes.

"And I don't want to lose our family either. I couldn't deal with not being with my kids everyday and seeing Luana the way she was on Wednesday all the time. Here, I'll make a deal or a compromise. We're not back together as of right now, but if you're willing to, then I'm willing for us to talk and work on us. Even if it takes a bit." Bayley offered.

"Okay, I can do that. Like did you want to come to my place, vise versa or how did you wanna work this out?" He asked.

"Well, except for Mila being with us since she just turned one, I want it to just be us while the kids are at school and just talk. Preferably at the house since all of Mila's stuff is there and it'd be easier than taking a bunch of stuff back and forth." She said.

"Okay. That works perfectly. Now I know you gotta get going to feed them dinner and I do as well since I have an early flight. But I'll be texting you if that's okay." He said, glancing at the time.

"Yeah. Just be safe and I'll see you next Wednesday." She said as Elias said his goodbyes to the kids as Bayley strapped Mila in her car seat, driving back home.

"Mommy?" Luana asked.

"What's up baby?" Bayley asked, looking back at her.

"Why aren't you and daddy together?" She asked as Damon nodded in agreement.

"Your daddy and I need time to work things out and work on each other. Something happened and you're too young to understand princess. Don't worry about it daddy and I are working on it." She reassured Luana as she nodded her head. Hopefully she and Elias actually worked everything out and it played in their favor.

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