little sibling

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"I can't wait to see our baby today." Bayley grinned as Elias wrapped his arms around her waist as she finished getting ready. Today, they were having their first ultrasound of their third baby as the twins went to his sister, Kristin's house.

"Me too baby. I wonder how the twins are gonna react." He said, as she turned around wrapping her arms around his torso.

"They'll be excited. At least I hope. If not they're stuck with their little brother or sister for life." Bayley laughed.

"That's true. I think they'll be excited though. It'll be fun to tell them when we get them home." Elias smiled as he softly kissed her lips as they then headed over to the doctors office. Once they got there, they were settled into a room, and the doctor gave the ultrasound. Bayley was 11 weeks along with their third baby since it was now mid June, and her due date was January 14th. All of the vital signs, fluid measurements and size of the baby was perfectly fine, as now they were excited to tell the twins, and show them the pictures of the ultrasound to help them understand.

"My babies!" Bayley grinned as they picked up the twins from his sisters house, thanking her as they strapped them in their car seats. They got the twins home, getting them some dinner, playing with them for a bit before doing their night routine. But instead of putting them to sleep right away, Elias carried them into his and Bayley's room so they could tell them about their little sibling.

"So, before you munchkins go to sleep, mommy and I need to show you something." He calmly explained, since both Damon and Luana were confused why they weren't in bed yet.

"What is it daddy?" Luana asked as Damon crawled up next to Bayley, as she grabbed the orange envelope with the sonogram pictures of the baby inside.

"So, you two had to go to Auntie K's today because daddy and I had to go to the doctors today for something." She smiled, looking at her son and daughter.

"What is it mommy?" Damon asked.

"Here, let daddy and I show you on these pictures." She smiled, showing the sonograms to Damon and Luana, as the two looked confused.

"Look right there babies." Elias said, pointing to where the baby was on the picture.

"What is it daddy?" Luana asked.

"Luana, Damon, that's a baby. There's a baby, in mommy's tummy. You're going to be a big brother and a big sister." She smiled, explaining it to the twins as they still looked a little confused just since they were little.

"A baby?" Damon asked.

"Yeah buddy. You're going to have a little brother or a little sister." Elias explained to them.

"When will the baby be here mommy?" Luana asked.

"Not until January love bug. The baby has to grow, just like you and bubby did." She said.

"What do you guys think about having a little brother or sister?" Elias asked, now that they were done asking questions.

"I'm so excited daddy!" Luana giggled.

"I can't wait!" Damon exclaimed too.

"Good. You two are going to be the best big brother and big sister ever." Bayley smiled, kissing the tops of their heads before laying them down for bed.

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