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It had been about two weeks since Damon moved out. It was definitely a huge adjustment with it now just being Bayley, Elias and Mila. Luana had been trying to spend a lot of time with Mila so she felt better, as well as Damon FaceTiming her almost everyday, and when he didn't it was because he would have a long day at the studio but he'd text her. Also, Mila had really not been coming around Bayley and Elias. She would either always stay in her dance room or stay longer hours at the studio. They didn't do anything wrong, but when something drastic or huge happened, Mila tended to distance herself off. Of course Bayley and Elias understood, but also didn't want Mila to not be around them.

"Hi honey." Elias smiled once Mila came upstairs for lunch.

"Hey." She shyly smiled, grabbing herself something to drink before taking her plate and heading downstairs.

"You're not gonna stay up here with us before your mom and I head to the training session?" Elias asked, taken back a little that Mila didn't stay upstairs to eat with them.

"I'm uh, talking to Ivy right now and she really needs me." Mila lied, sighing before heading downstairs to her room, sitting in the silence. She wasn't angered at her parents, but she really didn't have anything to talk about and really just wanted Damon and Luana back.

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