sick princess

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"Babe?" Bayley asked as she saw Elias walk into the kitchen.

"Yeah?" He asked as she grabbed a bottle of water.

"Can you pick up the twins from school? I'm gonna stay here and keep an eye on Mila." Bayley asked. It was only two weeks after Damon's first football game, and over the last few days Mila had began to get sick due to her breathing issues. She was taking her nap and Bayley didn't want to wake her up just to go get the twins and come back home.

"Yeah. I'll grab my keys and wallet and then I'll head out." He said as he pecked her lips.

"Thank you. Be safe." She said as he nodded his head and walked out the door. Just a few minutes later, Bayley heard Mila yell for her from her room.

"Mommy!" Mila tried to yell as her voice was getting weak, and she was losing her breath.

"What baby are you okay?" Bayley panicked, seeing Mila have trouble getting out of her bed and she was struggling to breathe.

"Mommy my chest hurts." She said in a staggered breath as Bayley swooped her up into her arms.

"It's okay baby. Mommy's gonna take you to the hospital but I gotta call daddy. I'm here baby." Bayley tried to comfort her daughter, standing up, grabbing her purse and keys before strapping Mila into her car seat and calling Elias.

"What's going on baby?" Elias asked as he answered his phone.

"Are you still at school?" Bayley asked, trying not to cry.

"Yeah the twins just got into the car. What's going on?" He asked as he could tell in her voice that she was about to breakdown into tears.

"I'm rushing Mila to the hospital." Bayley said as tears began falling down her face.

"Why what happened?" Elias asked, getting nervous himself.

"She was yelling for me. When I got to her room she was having trouble breathing, she couldn't get out of bed. She started crying saying her chest hurts and now I'm about five minutes away from the hospital." Bayley said, wiping away her tears.

"Okay. Give us about twenty minutes to get there but we're on our way." Elias said as they hung up.

"What's wrong daddy?" Luana asked as she saw Elias very nervous.

"We have to meet mommy and sissy at the hospital honey." Elias said, trying to drive as fast as he could without getting pulled over.

"Why daddy?" Damon asked.

"Sissy's issues are making her sick so she has to get checked out. She was having trouble breathing and couldn't get out of bed bud." Elias explained as the twins got scared for their baby sister.

"Is sissy going to be okay daddy?" Luana asked, worried about her little sister.

"She will be baby." Elias reassured her as they then parked in the hospital parking lot. He then asked the receptionist where they were, as they made their way back into the room where Bayley sat there, cracking her knuckles as she was nervous.

"It's okay babe. I'm here." Elias said as he held Bayley tightly as she cried a little into his shoulder, extremely worried about Mila.

"Where is she?" Elias asked once Bayley cleared herself up.

"They took her back to run a few tests on her. She should be back within fifteen to twenty minutes. She's already been gone for about ten." Bayley said, sitting down as the twins hugged her. Then, a half hour later Mila was wheeled back into the room as she was hooked up to a few machines and had an oxygen mask on her face.

"Is sissy okay?" Damon kept asking, seeing his little sister out of the ordinary before the doctor told them all that was wrong.

"So, what happened was her lungs weren't getting enough oxygen, and since they're still not the size they should be for a three year old, it was putting more pressure on her immune system and windpipe to get more air, her heart was trying to pump more blood than normal to help and that's what happened. She has an oxygen mask on her face to try and normal out her breathing, and she will have to stay overnight just so we can keep an eye on her." She informed as Bayley and Elias nodded their heads.

"Mommy?" Mila groggily asked with the mask on her face.

"Yeah princess? Mommy's here." She said, holding her little hand.

"Am I gonna be okay mommy?" She asked as Bayley's heart cracked a bit.

"Yeah baby. You'll be okay." Bayley smiled, kissing her cheek. Elias's parents came to pick up the kids later that night since both Bayley and Elias were going to spend the night with Mila, making sure she'd be okay.

"I'm gonna go pick up Luana and Damon from their games and I'll meet you at the house." Elias said the next morning as the three of them were awake, Mila waiting to be discharged since her breathing had gotten back to normal.

"Okay baby. Be safe and we love you." She smiled, as he bent down to kiss her.

"Love you too." He smiled before saying bye to Mila as he left. Then, not even ten minutes later Bayley had gotten Mila's discharge papers so she could finally leave after being in the hospital for over 20 hours.

"Mommy I'm tired." Mila yawned once they walked into the house as Elias text Bayley, saying Luana's game was running late so he'd be home later.

"I know baby. Lets get you something to eat and I'll clean you up and get you in some jammies and you can get some sleep baby." She said, kissing the top of her head as she grabbed some fruit and cut it up to where Mila could eat it with no issues, then bathing her and putting her in some fuzzy pajamas before carrying her downstairs to watch some cartoons until she fell asleep in Bayley's arms with her head rested on her shoulder. About forty minutes later, Elias along with the twins walked into the house as they immediately got quiet when they saw Mila fast asleep.

"Hi mommy." Luana and Damon whispered, walking towards her.

"Hey babies. How was your games?" Bayley quietly asked them.

"It was fun. We won." They giggled as they went to go eat a quick snack as Elias sat down next to his wife and sleeping daughter.

"She better now?" Elias quietly asked.

"Yeah. Just a tired baby." Bayley smiled at her husband, then back at her youngest daughter.

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