it's my time now

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"Have fun at dance honey." Elias smiled that Saturday morning as he dropped Mila off for her day long off dance practice, getting ready for her spring showcase in a few months.

"Thanks dad." She smiled as she hugged him before walking into the studio. Then, Elias went to teach a morning session at his and Bayley's wrestling school before heading home until Luana and Mila came home since she was picking her up from dance after her shift was over.

"Hey baby." Bayley smiled, kissing her husband once he walked through the front door of their home.

"Hey doll." He grinned as he kissed her as the two talked about the morning session before he heard his phone ring.

"Hello?" Elias asked once he answered the phone.

"Hey Elias. It's Hunter." He answered as Elias felt glad to hear from his boss.

"Oh hey Hunter. How are you?" He asked his boss.

"Good. But I need to ask you something." Hunter replied.

"Yeah sure what's up?" Elias casually asked.

"How would you feel if we inducted into this year's Hall Of Fame class?" Hunter asked, Elias shocked.

"Seriously?" Elias asked with a grin, totally off guard.

"Yeah. It's your time, and we couldn't think of a better person to be the headliner for this year. Would you like to be inducted?" Hunter asked.

"Yes of course! Thank you so much." Elias grinned, Hunter giving him the information about flying out on that Monday morning and discussing everything as Elias had informed Hunter that he had wanted Dean to induct him as Hunter was okay with that.

"Who was that baby?" Bayley asked as she walked into the dining room once Elias hung up the phone.

"Hunter. They want me to be the headliner of the Hall Of Fame this year." Elias grinned as Bayley's smile grew to a cheesy grin across her face.

"Baby! That's so incredible I'm so proud of you!" She grinned, kissing her husband on the lips.

"Thank you love. And I told him I want Dean to induct me." He chuckled, knowing Dean's speech would definitely be something to remember.

"God only knows what he'll come up with." Bayley laughed as she kissed her husband again. Later on that evening after Bayley and Elias had cooked dinner, Luana and Mila walked in from work and dance.

"Hey girls." Bayley smiled at her daughters once they walked into the dining room.

"Hey." They smiled before making their own plates of food.

"So I have to tell you guys something. I got a phone call today." Elias started once Damon walked in the door.

"Where have you been?" Bayley asked, worried about her son.

"Out?" He questioned before getting a plate of food himself before sitting down at the table himself.

"Anyways, Hunter called me today. They're going to induct me into the Hall Of Fame this year." Elias grinned as the girls gasped and Damon had a small smile across his face.

"Dad that's amazing!" Mila grinned.

"Yeah that's so cool dad! We're proud of you." Luana smiled as she and Mila stood up and hugged him.

"Congrats dad." Damon half smiled at his dad.

"Thanks. And your Uncle Dean will be inducting me. I'll be gone Monday morning till Tuesday afternoon like how your mom was four years ago." Elias informed them as they nodded their heads.

"Dude where are you going?" Luana asked, pissed that Damon was leaving after only being home for twenty minutes.

"Don't worry about it." He said, rolling his eyes before walking out the house. Once he slammed the door, Mila slowly let the tears fall down her lightly tanned face, hurt at her brother's actions.

"Where is he going?" Bayley asked as Elias went to comfort Mila.

"I don't know. But I'm going to snap him out of this." Luana angrily said.

Take Your Time (Bayley x Elias)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant