party too hard

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"Lets go eat boys!" The coach yelled at the whole football team. Since Damon was still playing football, his team was now at the state championship for the first time in about seven years. Damon was the running back, always making the winning touchdowns for the team as they were undefeated, going up against another undefeated team from Harrisburg, which was a little over three hours away from Pittsburgh. Damon was pumped up and ready to go out and win his first ever state football championship.

"You ready bro?" Damon's other closest friend, Zack said as he was getting pumped up. Damon especially loved playing sports since football was with Zack and baseball was with Clayton. He was always with his boys.

"Hell yeah man I'm more than ready. You?" Damon asked, wiping out his mouthguard.

"Hell yeah bro. You know the drill for tonight right?" He asked.

"You throw a forty yard toss, I catch, sprint as fast I can for a touchdown and we are the winners." Damon said, extremely confident and getting a little cocky with his abilities. But how could he not, he was the best player on the team.

"Damn right bro! Lets go eat them alive!" Zack yelled, pumping each other up.

"Lets get it bro!" Damon yelled back before all the football players made their way out onto their football field since the state championship would be at their high school. Bayley, Elias, Mila, Luana and her boyfriend Garrett were there to watch and support Damon and their friends, but mainly the kids sat with friends. The game was very intense, back and forth between one point winning or losing. They were in the fourth quarter of the game, twenty seconds left on the clock. Zack had thrown the ball across the football field to Damon, as he sprinted across to make the final touchdown as the buzzers went off.

"We did it bro!" Zack yelled, running up to Damon.

"Hell fuckin yea!" Damon yelled, hugging his friend as everyone in the stands were cheering. Then a few minutes later, the team got pictures with their trophy, as each of them got medals. That's when the family came down to the field to celebrate with Damon.

"Damon! I'm so proud of you dude!" Luana grinned, hugging her older brother.

"Thanks sis. Thanks for coming too." He grinned, looking at his family as they all took pictures together. Then, two other football players named Jax and Ryder came up to Damon. He was sorta friends with them, but they didn't talk much unless it was football related.

"Hey man. You killed it out there." Jax said.

"Thanks." Damon half smiled, still confused why the two guys were talking to him.

"Well we're all having a party tonight to celebrate us winning. Wanna come?" Ryder asked.

"Is it cool if I go?" Damon asked his parents as they nodded their heads.

"Alright. Let me go home and get showered and just text me where we meet up." Damon said as the boys nodded their heads. Damon then went home and showered, changing into a white t shirt, jeans, running shoes and his signature black leather jacket before heading out. He then made it to Jax's house, opening the door to see a bunch of guys, some from the football team, others from wherever as there were a few girls as well.

"Hey Damon what's up man?" Jax asked with a smile as Damon was looking around the place. He definitely hasn't been to a party like this before.

"Not much man. Just here to have a good time." He said. This party is definitely something Damon hasn't been to or experienced. He was drinking since Jax and a few other guys convinced him it was good. Girls and guys having sex in bedrooms while they were drunk. But now that Damon was drunk, he didn't care. He was there for a good time, not a long time.

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